September 11 Digital Archive

Jackson Heights is changing


Jackson Heights is changing



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Jackson Heights is changing

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Prashanth Lakhihal

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India Tribune

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Jackson Heights in Queens is changing. At least, the composition of its population is.

This was reflected during the Diwali (festival of lights) celebrations held on 74th Street on Oct. 13 when in addition to the Indian Bollywood songs and dances, there were elements of entertainment from Pakistan and Bangladesh. Also, cuisine from Indias neighboring countries was offered to the thousands of South Asians packed into the narrow streets of Jackson Heights.

The Jackson Heights Merchants Association (JMHA) which organized the Diwali Melaafter a years gap in memory of the September 11th tragedyacknowledged the slowly but surely changing population of 74th Street, once the sole bastion of Indian shops and food. It allowed at least two stalls out of 16 to offer Pakistani or Bangladeshi food and culture. On stage, film songs and dance from those countries were also performed.

Otherwise, the Diwali Mela in Jackson Heights was the usual affairlots of goodies to eat, music and dance to lighten the mood and, of course, long-winded speeches. Present at the occasion were the Consul General of India in New York Pramathesh Rath, Congressman Joseph Crowley, State Assembly Member Ivan Lafayette and New York City Councilwoman, Helen Sears.

Nitin Vyas brought an entertainment group comprised of musicians, singers and a comedian from Bombay. It regaled the audience for over an hour with Bollywood songs. The audiences response was excellent. I enjoyed singing in front of the Jackson Heights visitors, said Sangeeta Bijlani Leela, a singer from the Bombay group of entertainers.

As at any community event in New York, its success depends on the weather. Mother nature has been smiling on us. The rain over the past three days stopped just in time and we had a tremendous response in terms of attendance, said Shiv Dass, JHMA president.

The JHMA recognized the contribution of V.M. Gandhi of New York Gold; Nitin Vora, former FIA president; Peter Bheddah, president of the Gujarati Samaj of New York; Dr. Pran Chopra, ex-president of FIA and Deepak Bhardwaj of Apna Bazaar.

Air India sponsored the colorful lights that decked up the 47 trees on 74th Street. The lights will remain through the series of festivals of Dushahra, Diwali, Id, Christmas and New Years. Till then, the sight of Jackson Heights will be a place to watch and visit.

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“Jackson Heights is changing,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 11, 2025,