September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

In the mourning before the attacks had happened ,I was at football practice.Then after we were let out of athletics I was late going to spanish.When I got there I saw everyboby watching the t.v. I thought wew were going to be watching a movie but as it turns out everybody was watching aftermath of the first plane crashing into the first tower.I asked what was going on and I heard that the world trade centers were attacked by a hijacked plane that crashed directly into it the first tower.I didn't know what the world trade centers were so I was a little confused about everything.The whole class period we sat there shocked at everything that had happened.then the bell rang so we got up and went to our next period class. In the hallway everone I knew was asking questions and talking about what was going on.During third period our teacher asked if we had any questions about the attacks.Question after question were being asked while we were still watching CNN covering the story. Then all the sudden the camera shifted suddenly to a plane flying straight for the other tower, then BOOM a giant explosion as the plane hit the other tower. Everyone just stared in awe at the horrible site.after a few questions were answered we kept on watching as the wo towers stood there burnig with a giant hole in them.Many minutes past as we watched the towers the all the sudden the first tower collapsed within itself then the second tower looked as it had imploded fell staight to the ground.Then before I even understood what the world trade centers were, they were gone.All that was left was ia gaint pile of ruble and ash eveerywhere on the streets of New York. After about 30 minutes our principal walked in a saiid that we couldn't watch what was happing,so we turned of the t.v. and just sat there in shock of what just happened.


“story3536.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,