September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

All I remember is how beautiful a day it was. My father-in-law called to tell me to put on the TV & see a plane World Trade Center was on fire. I could not believe him! Then I turned on my TV & was happening. Reports said a plane ripped into one of the Twin Towers. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was so horrific. I saw the other plane hit the second building & I prayed to God everyone would be okay. Then the people interviewed heard a rumbling & crumbling & before our eyes the mighty Twin Towers collasped like my son's Lego blocks but with a blast of snooty smoky clouds.
OH, how I cried!
You see the mass of humanity escaping the inferno by walking as if a fog or bad dream on the Brooklyn Bridge. What fiends could have done this to us!
Then, you heard how Flight 93 crashed & how the Pentagon was hit with a plane also. You see the wreckage & could only imagine how the relatives of the people who were in those structures felt.
That was the saddest day of my life.


“story6403.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,