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911DA Story: Story
My daughter was at Georgia Tech, as a freshman, and she was not having a very good time. Early that AM, before I turned on the TV, my husband and I were trying to find a counselor for her at GT. At 9AM (CST), my husband left for work at the Coastal Systems Station. I turned on the computer, and saw that a second plane had hit the Trade Towers. Thinking that this was the second plane, after one from several years ago that, had, in reality hit the Empire State Building, I just dismissed this news item. Then I went to my e-mail, and a prayer request had come in to pray for those at the Trade Center. I immediately turned on my TV to see the first tower fall. I knew immediately that it was Bin Laden, as I am a devout student of history. From then it was to the phone to check on folks that were to fly from Boston that day, my best friend's husband who had been at the Pentagon (as this attack was shown on TV), my daughter in distress in Atlanta, and my husband who had left for work. At least my son was safe at his high school. I reached all of these people and more, who were all safe and sound. Then I felt the terror and fear that most of us felt. What was going to happen next? My husband was sent home, as the Navy Base was closed for civilians. My daughter was isolated on campus, as all had closed. She could not fly home and as a Freshman, had no car. I felt helpless, but watched TV all day. On a happy note, our daughter came home October 4 (the anniversary of Hurricane Opal that devasted our home) to pursue a math teaching career at the University of West Florida! What a joy and much praise to the Lord that we, my husband, my son, my daughter, and myself were together as a family.
“story4658.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,