September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

That morning I was off work and had not turned on the TV until 10:30am! As I began watching I thought 'mercy how awful, I wonder where in the world that is'; as the, then re-run of the first plane hit.......then the second!!.... I knew it was here and that we were having something really terrible happening in America. I sank into a chair and thought "this is a message to America"! A wake up Call to stop sleeping and thinking we are untouchable!! It was on OUR shores!!!! The Pentegon, the field in PA and the Towers and who knows what else was targeted that day!

My first reaction was a sickening feeling, shock and a real feeling of Gods' presence with for our nation. It was so sad and humbling and could have been SO much worse than indeed it was. Then I was mad and the 'Air Force Brat' in me wanted to send in the troops and get the buggers!!!

I know without fail that we MUST stand up and fight this evil, that not only wants to kill us, but wants to take over the world with their evil! This is real, this is now and this is nothing to take lightly. We have been more than for-worned and the fight is now and is to be fought to the end, whatever that is!!! This where the true blue get separated from the wishy washy! Where the courageous take the stand and lead!!!!

This is not the first, nor will it be the we want to see these type of attacks here? If not, then we had better get that border shut and controled! Wake up to the real reality that we are not in an 'ice cream and cake' life, but that we MUST fight for our freedom, right to believe in God, freedoms of speech and life, the way that American forefathers begain this nation to be! We must UNIT and be for America together, as countrymen and stop all of this bipartisen, politically correct liberlism! Be the true patriots that, deep down, I believe us to be!!! We were blessed by God in this great nation for a reason and for JUST such a time as this!!!!! We have got to be wlling to fight for what we beleive in and stand for!! Not someday, not when there is rain, when there is more money, less money, when it freezes in the tropics or an other rediculous time....IT IS NOW!!!!!!!

The border is a sive for terrorists that are flowing in as we eat and breath everyday and are waiting to do us harm....grave harm and we just sleep some more! Our leaders on ALL sides of the fence need to stop the yaking, spending foolishly, thinking stupidly and selfishly, being politically correct, being personally greedy and get off their duffs and get busy taking care of America and its' people! The people that put them in office and can remove them......personally neither party works anymore!! The House, Senate and Congress are full of many greedy, narrow minded, foolish, weak, liberal, or political big heads that just are squandering our well being, our nation, our livlihood, future and freedoms for their selfish power and self fame!!!! Our founding fathers would be so ASHAMED of what has happened to this countries government: the moral, political, and personal slipping of what we stand for and what they forged for us in the beginning!!!!! They would kick the lot out and start fresh....just ask Americans what we really feel and think about what is happening to America! Just ask the families of the soldiers who are fighting for us and our freedoms! Just ask the people who lost loved ones in the Towers, Pentegon, and the field in PA!!!!!

Why do think we are becoming MORE than angry that the illegals are here throughing their weight around, when they have NO right to!They do not respect the fact that this is OUR nation and NOT theirs! Their government should be held accountable for them and certainly NOT us here in America! Just who do they think they are anyway? Same with the terrorists that are laying in wait? They do not know who we really are: We are strong, tough, patiriotic AMERICANS who forged a nation for FREEDOM, LIBERTY AND THE HERITAGE THAT WE WERE FOUNDED ON! That, if given the provocation, WILL fight and fight feroceously for freedom, our people, right to worship God, and the United States of America to the death and then some! DO NOT PUSH US TOO FAR because we WILL push back! It is way past time for us all to rally together for our country, our America, the strength we have stood for and show the buggers we mwan matter who doesn't like it or how we do it......LET'S ROLL....LET'S GET HER DONE...NOW!!!!!



“story20800.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,