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911DA Story: Story
How did you witness history on September 11th? Share your experience.
A phone call from my husband, who was out of town, alerted me to turn on the television to witness a plane crash in New York City. I thought an accident had occured with a small plane and as I watched, a very visible large jet hit the second tower of the World Trade Center. The news coverage revealed that it was not an accident, but an act of terrorism, and other planes were not accounted for. I could not believe the horror of the events that were pouring out before me, I couldn't stop shaking, and I couldn't leave the television. When a third plane hit the Pentagon, I was so fearful for the safety of my next door neighbor who works there. I began to wonder if my children were safe and whether I should go pick them up, as the high school is located near Oceana Naval Air Station.
Has your life changed because of September 11, 2001? If so, tell us how.
I will never again trust the safety of our airplane industry completely. My husband travels extensively for business purposes by airplane to international destinations. It shocks me to know people of evil intent can gain access to the cockpits of American jetliners, and even more so that they were trained in how to do this in our country. I was na?ve to believe that the FBI, CIA, and other protective services in America could assure our safety.
What do you think should be remembered about September 11th?
The spirit of the American people who tried to help one another, the sacrifices that were made, the overwhelming love and support which was repeatedly demonstrated for strangers by strangers, and the determination of the American people to rise above catastrophe must always be remembered. As a nation we must learn from these tragic events and never forget our tremendous losses. We must better protect ourselves and coordinate efforts among federal agencies to avoid terrorist infiltration. Our immigration services must dramatically improve screening efforts. Illegal aliens must not be allowed to remain in our country and those who are here should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as legal citizens.
Did you fly an American flag after the events of September 11th? have your feelings about the American flag changed after the events of September 11th?
The American flag and the ideals it stands for must be more visible in our daily lives. As such, I have flown the American flag from my house since the events of September eleven. My neighborhood made similar arrangements to fly the American flag continuously from our entrance sign, with a spotlight at night. This outpouring of patriotism, as demonstrated by increased numbers of flags on our streets, cars, and businesses has strengthened our resolve and commitment to the United States of America. May these reminders ever serve to unite us, empower us, and protect us from evil, with God as our witness.
A phone call from my husband, who was out of town, alerted me to turn on the television to witness a plane crash in New York City. I thought an accident had occured with a small plane and as I watched, a very visible large jet hit the second tower of the World Trade Center. The news coverage revealed that it was not an accident, but an act of terrorism, and other planes were not accounted for. I could not believe the horror of the events that were pouring out before me, I couldn't stop shaking, and I couldn't leave the television. When a third plane hit the Pentagon, I was so fearful for the safety of my next door neighbor who works there. I began to wonder if my children were safe and whether I should go pick them up, as the high school is located near Oceana Naval Air Station.
Has your life changed because of September 11, 2001? If so, tell us how.
I will never again trust the safety of our airplane industry completely. My husband travels extensively for business purposes by airplane to international destinations. It shocks me to know people of evil intent can gain access to the cockpits of American jetliners, and even more so that they were trained in how to do this in our country. I was na?ve to believe that the FBI, CIA, and other protective services in America could assure our safety.
What do you think should be remembered about September 11th?
The spirit of the American people who tried to help one another, the sacrifices that were made, the overwhelming love and support which was repeatedly demonstrated for strangers by strangers, and the determination of the American people to rise above catastrophe must always be remembered. As a nation we must learn from these tragic events and never forget our tremendous losses. We must better protect ourselves and coordinate efforts among federal agencies to avoid terrorist infiltration. Our immigration services must dramatically improve screening efforts. Illegal aliens must not be allowed to remain in our country and those who are here should not be afforded the same rights and privileges as legal citizens.
Did you fly an American flag after the events of September 11th? have your feelings about the American flag changed after the events of September 11th?
The American flag and the ideals it stands for must be more visible in our daily lives. As such, I have flown the American flag from my house since the events of September eleven. My neighborhood made similar arrangements to fly the American flag continuously from our entrance sign, with a spotlight at night. This outpouring of patriotism, as demonstrated by increased numbers of flags on our streets, cars, and businesses has strengthened our resolve and commitment to the United States of America. May these reminders ever serve to unite us, empower us, and protect us from evil, with God as our witness.
“story8820.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,