September 11 Digital Archive

Tuberculosis increases only among Asians; health officials say undocumented immigrants are the prima


Tuberculosis increases only among Asians; health officials say undocumented immigrants are the prima



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Tuberculosis increases only among Asians; health officials say undocumented immigrants are the primary reason

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World Journal

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Xiaoqing Rong

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New York University experts and New York Health Department officials pointed out that only the Asian community experienced an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis (TB) among all the communities in New York. Experts suggested that new undocumented immigrantswho did not receive physical check-ups before leaving China, nor once in New Yorkare the most likely carrier of the TB virus and a major reason for its spread.

Officials asked new immigrants, for the sake of their own health and that of the entire community, to put a TB check up on their agenda. And officials, who are offering free checkups, guaranteed that they wont inquire into anyones immigration status.

Nahashon Nyambasora, a registered nurse and the project director of the Community Tuberculosis Prevention Program (CTPP) at New York University and Elvy Barroso, associate director of the Educational Training Center of the New York Heath Department, spoke at a meeting with some Fujian immigrant organization leaders yesterday in Chinatown.

They showed that the incidence of TB in the Asian community rose along with the surge of undocumented immigrants from Fuzhou during the 1990s. Wong Weihua, chairman of New York Fujian Council, Chen Quandi, chairman of New York Changle Council and its candidate for chair, Shi Shuimei, as well as other community leaders attended the meeting.

According to the New York Health Department, TB infection rates differ among different ethnic groups. Since the mid-1980s, the incidence among people born abroad increased, while among American-born people the incidence decreased. But supplemental charts showed that since 1990, the rate climbed in the Asian community even as TB decreased among Hispanics, African Americans and whites. This pattern occurred as undocumented Fuzhou immigrants rushed into the United States.

Explaining the charts, Nyambasora said the population of Asian immigrants increased in the last 10 years. Among Asians, Fuzhou immigrants work long hours and therefore lack the resources to care for their health. In addition, most immigrants from Fuzhou never had a check up in China, and, therefore, were the most likely virus carriers. Without attention, TB could spread to the entire community.

Nyambasora said, the Center for Immigrant Health will have a series of free TB check-ups. He hoped that all Chinatown residents could come. The center will provide Chinese interpreters in both Fuzhou dialect and Mandarin to assist in the check-ups.

Wang, chairman of the New York Fujian Council said, that in the mainland China, Fuzhou people seldom had health check-ups. Some of them were not able to discover their disease even long after they became sick. He called upon new immigrants to treasure the opportunity of free check-ups and not to wait until its too late for treatment.

Time and place of free check-ups are: Aug. 17 and Sept. 21, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 at noon, at 48 Allen Street, and Aug. 18, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at 11 East Broadway. For details, please call: (212) 385-8560, (212) 966-9977, or (212) 571-6956.

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“Tuberculosis increases only among Asians; health officials say undocumented immigrants are the prima,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 29, 2024,