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911DA Story: Story
As with the rest of the country, I will always remember the place and time of this horror ridden day. The day began as most others, at work in a small town grocery store. I work in the deli and was preparing lunch for the day when a co-worker came and told us that a plane had crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center. We couldn't believe it and gathered around the television to see for ourselves. As we stood there, all giving our own opinion of why the plane had crashed, we saw the second plane hit. We all knew immediately that this was no accident. We were under attack! We we heard about the Pentagon, I remember thinking whats was next. How on earth were we going to be able to stop who ever from flying more planes into more buildings and killing more innocent people. As I struggled to return to my work, my mind suddenly remembered my cousin Angie was living in New York. The last time I had talked to her mother, she had told me she was working at the World Trade Center. I had the most sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach as I dialed my own mother's phone number in Kansas City, Missouri. When she answered the phone, I asked if she had seen what was happening in New York. She said she had just turned on the TV and saw but still had not seen enough to know what was really going on. I breifly explained what we knew and then asked her about Angie. She didn't know anything, but would call and find out and call me back. It was the longest 15 minutes I think I can ever remember. Our family was lucky. My cousin and her husband and both been transfered to offices on the other side of the city and we not in the buildings. It was a relief to us, but so many others were not as fortunate as our family was on that day. After work, I went home, parked myself in front of the television and cried. Today, one year later, I can still recall all those feelings of disbielf, horror, terror, and then anger. To the familys of the victims, my prayers and thoughts are with you today. God Bless America!
“story4107.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,