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911DA Story: Story
I was three months pregnant sleeping, when my boyfriend came home from work early in the morning. He woke me up and told me to bring my blanket to the living room and watch the news. I said why then he said, "Something really bad has happen to New York city." Therefore, as were watching the news the first trade center building was hit. Then out from the bloom you see the second plan crash right into the second trade center. As I am watching, you could see people jumping out from the tower and in my head; all I was thinking is that I hope everyone gets out alive and safe. Watching the TV I see people in New York just watching and a lot of their mouth is open and sock of this happening. Then all of a sudden, I see the second building just clasping like its nothing and then people starts running like crazy to get away from the fall of the building. A few minute after that you see the first building that was hit finally, start to fall down. By now, I was scared and crying. An hour after that my boyfriends mom came home from work cause she worked with the government so they order all the government workers to go home right away. I was so afraid and bagged my boyfriend not to go to work because I still want to see him. Scared and worried about my family and my unborn son is this the end of the world. I am still scared tell this day and get nightmares of 911 and how things were and what was going on that day. Just to know that everyone of our lives was at stake and we were not safe as if we thought we all were here at our own home.
“story20388.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,