September 11 Digital Archive

American Muslims protest slandering of Prophet Muhammad at CBS offices


American Muslims protest slandering of Prophet Muhammad at CBS offices



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Christian-right extremist Jerry Falwells comment that the Prophet Mohammed was a terrorist on 60 Min

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American Muslims protest slandering of Prophet Muhammad at CBS offices

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Pakistan Post

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Rehan Ansari

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Christian-right extremist Jerry Falwells comment that the Prophet Mohammed was a terrorist on 60 Minutes prompted a protests in New York and Houston of the CBS-TV offices on Oct. 8.

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Christian-right extremist Jerry Falwells comment that the Prophet Mohammed was a terrorist on 60 Minutes prompted a large protest of the CBS-TV offices on Oct. 8.

Many in the media, as well as prominent ministers and rabbis, also expressed dismay at Falwell and CBS. Many Muslims have responded to the appeal by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and protested in front of CBS offices in Manhattan and Houston as well as by fax, email and telephone.

On one hand, President Bush tells the public not to denigrate Islam or Muslims. He has called Islam a religion of peace. He has also said that the administration and the public should not be prejudiced against Arabs and other Muslims. On the other hand, Bush's friend and spiritual guide, Jerry Falwell, is busy defaming the prophet of Islam and Muslims.

On 60 Minutes Falwell called Prophet Mohammed a terrorist and Islam a fraudulent religion. Since President Bush is silent on this issue we believe that he must agree with Falwell.

Many Christian leaders have criticised Falwell, Pat Robertson, and Franklin Graham.

Speaking to the protestors at the Houston CBS offices, Zulfiqar Ali Shah, president of ICNA, said that President Bush must stop associating with people who, like Jerry Falwell, are prejudiced.

Naeem Baig, general secretary of ICNA, said that as part of their faith, Muslims pay respects to Prophets Moses and Jesus. He hoped that many in the Jewish and Christian communities will register their protest against the defamation of the Prophet of Islam.

ICNA has said people should be respectful when they register their protests. People may call or fax CBS (phone: 212 975 3691; fax: 212 975 1893). ICNA also encouraged people to call the offices of the Washington Times and commend their wonderfully supportive

Other organizations that protested include Pakistan Americans for Community Organizing, Council of Pakistani Organizations, Muslim League Voice, People's Party Voice and Pakistani Progressive Forum.

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“American Muslims protest slandering of Prophet Muhammad at CBS offices,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,