September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

The horrible day started out as a beautiful summer day. The day is now referred to as one of the most tragic days, also known as 9/11. The day when the Twin Towers went down and thousands of people died.
When I first heard the news, I was sitting in third period gym and was talking to my friend Nicole. We were having our pictures taken for the yearbook and our identification cards. All of the sudden we heard over the loud speaker that an airplane had crashed into one of the world trade centers. We were told that there is nothing to worry about and that we were perfectly safe.
About five minutes later I was called to the office. As I walked down the hallway to the office I noticed my mom was standing out side the office door. She said that she was scared and did not know what to do. She also said that she had known clue what was going on and that she wanted me out of school for the day. So we went to my dad?s store were we saw on the news that another plane had crashed into the other tower. Then suddenly we witnessed the towers crumble completely to the ground. There was nothing left to them. My mom then said, ? This is a day that none of us will ever forget.?
After that my mom and I went to go and get my aunt and my cousins from their house in Belvidere. We went to get them and my aunt was really scared because her boyfriend was working right across the street from the World Trade Center. My friend was also working there. So we went back to my house and we were watching the news. We were trying to call them on there cell phones and we could not get through because to many people were trying to call out on cell phones at one time and a lot of phones would not work. We finally heard from them at around one in the morning the next day. They said that their phones wouldn?t dial out and that they were okay.
That was my tragic day of 9/11. It was a horrible day that I will never forget. Thousands of people died that day. My family was lucky but many others were not so lucky.


“story2382.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,