September 11 Digital Archive

Terence Park has chance to become Flushing Democratic Party leader


Terence Park has chance to become Flushing Democratic Party leader



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Terence Park has chance to become Flushing Democratic Party leader

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Jong Hoon Kim

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Korea Daily

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Sunkyu Yun

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The Democratic Party has announced that it would officially support Asian candidates for the Party District leadership.

At the June 17 press conference held in front of the Flushing Library, four candidates, including Korean-American Terence Park, seeking the District 22s top leadership positions in the Democratic Party officially announced their candidacies.

They also revealed that their candidacies are getting official support from the Queens Democratic Party. They added that, for the first time, the Party is granting its endorsement to these Asian Americans running for party leadership positions.

On September 10, the primary election day, registered voters in Queens with the Democratic Party affiliation, will pick the two party leaders for each districts, which are divided into two parts, A and B. Each district must have a man and a woman representing the Party. City Councilman John Liu and Jacqueline Lavalle will be the teammates for District A. For District B, Terence Park and Ellen Young will be running teammates.

For this party leadership election in District 22, many expect Asian American candidates to have a strong showing since three incumbents, including Assemblyman Brian McLaughlin, are not running. However, in District B, the former City Councilwoman Julia Harrison, who is only incumbent leader running, will face Ellen Young.

For the upcoming State Assembly election in the area, both John Liu and Terence Park announced that they would support Barry Grodenchik, a Jewish American, instead of two Asian American candidates Ethel Chen and Jimmy Meng. Grodenchik has also garnered endorsements from various insiders of the Party.

In Flushing, Asian American voters are the majority, therefore, if we, the Asian Americans in the district, can pull together our support for Barry Grodenchik, he will win, John Liu said. We will show that Asian Americans can be the factor in upcoming election.

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“Terence Park has chance to become Flushing Democratic Party leader,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,