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911DA Story: Story
I was still in high school when it happened. That morning I had gone in and took a shower and when I got out I finished dressing then went into the livingroom to see some of the news. I always turned on Fox News, to see what happened the night before. When I saw the first images of the first plane. I yelled out to my mom that a plane crashed into the world trade center. As I was watching I saw the second plane coming and I yelled out to my mom again that they were showing what happened. When it shot up in flames. I said to my mom isn't there 2 towers and she said I think so. That is when I said that was a second plane when I saw both towers on fire. I was thinking to myself right then Osama Bin Laden. Because like 3 days before there was this thing on tv about him. I was like thank God that this is over if it is. Then my mom was like we need to go. As we were driving to school I turned on the radio to hear what they were saying. I was like "oh my God". When I got into first period I realized I was late. So I ran to class. I went up to the student teacher that was learning how to teach, and asked her have you heard what happened. She said no what. I leaned over to her and whispered, 2 planes just crashed into the world trade centers. Her jaw just dropped. Then she said to tell the class. I did, about that time the teacher walked into the class and said it again. We told her that I had already told them. Then we turned on the tv and that is when we heard about the pentagon and they were saying that there was bombings at the pentagon. And one of the local channels were saying that there were bombings at LAX and all over the country and oil well were on fire.
“story10472.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,