September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

My story began on September 10, when i made a phone call from my house. In the conversation i mentioned that the next day was to be September 11, not knowing the ensuing tragedies. But for some odd reason, when i mentioned that date it stuck with me. Anyways I went on to bed and woke up the next morning and went on to my high school like any normal day. When I reached 2nd period, the principal came on the intercome and mentioned that no one turn on the TVs until notified because we all have TVs in our rooms. I thought nothing of this and continued on that period and went on to 3rd. Right as I entered the classroom a friend of mine came up to me saying that a plane had crashed into a building. Of course I didnt believe him because he was known for making up stuff. But of course when our teacher turned on the TV I saw the WTC on flames and knew this really happened. At first sight, i thought of my parents at FEDEX, whom had an earlier scare like this when an employee tried to hijack a plane and ram it into the Memphis hub. Next, we went on with the day watching TV and learning more and more about the attacks. When I got home from school my family was all there watching TV and we were glued there for the next couple of weeks. From that day foward, that phone call i made and mentoined a date that will describe all evil will always remain with me. God Bless the USA and all the brave men and women with the search efforts and who were killed or affected by these evil attacks.


“story706.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,