September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

There I was taking everything in my life for granted. I was running late for work, listening to MANCOW on the radio. I had just flipped to the station when suddenly I realized that he (MANCOW) was crying. First I thought it was a prank (as always). MANCOW doesn't cry!! However, I heard the fear in his voice, which made be realize it wasn't a joke; and finally I heard him say that the second twin tower was hit by another airplane. I had no idea what he was even talking about (not having heard about the first attack). However, just the fear in his voice terrified me. Regardless, I thought for sure it was some kind of freak accident. I arrived to work about five minutes later. I ran in the door and turned on the television. That's when I saw the most unbelievable thing I had ever seen in my life. I realized it was intentional and that it was an attack on America. It looked like a movie. I remember thinking, "how could this happend", "who could do such a thing", "is the world ending"? I couldn't keep my eyes off the television for the next two weeks, at the minimum. In those following hours, days, weeks; my whole life seemed so small. I felt this huge burst of wanting to help in some way. I watched all of the families cry over loved ones they had lost. I listened to all of the cell phone conversations during the attack. I heard all of the survivor's horrifying stories. I decided to never, ever take my loved ones for granted. I also decided to be a blood and organ donor. I became more patriotic. I became more interested in our Country and our leaders. I even became more interested in politics and the media and history (things I used to prefer to avoid)! What I mostly pondered on was trying not to watch the news (to stay out of depression) and wondering if the world would end or change for the good. I though: "if this incodent has changed MY life so dramatically, what does that mean for the entire Country"? After 9-11 not only has it changed my way of living, my priorities, my time spent with family, and many other things; I have learned to thank God for every single day that I am alive and for everything good in this world. I am definately a more optimistic person know. And even though it was a horrible attack (understatement) and something that nobody could ever deserve, I am hopeful it will force a change in our world, like it forced a change (for the better) on me.


“story571.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,