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911DA Story: Story
I was at work at a vetinary office. We have 2 tv's in the office for the client's to watch. As I walked up to the waiting area where the tv's were, I saw the clinic manager and a receptionist staring at the t.v. I was told that a plane had flown into the trade center. I couldn't fathom what was happening. I thought she meant a small prop plane had flown into it on accident. As I watched the news, it became apparent that I was watching the most significant news story of my lifetime. I couldn't not go back to work. I got chills thinking about all of the innocent people that were killed and injured. After hearing that the Pentagon was also attacked, I was worrying about everyone in the air. It was obvious that any plane in the air was in danger of being used as a missle. I called my girlfriend and woke her up. I told her to turn on the news. She told me that her father was supposed to be flying home from California. She became very upset and tried to get information on her dad. It turned out that he was safe and his flight was on the ground in Arizona. As the towers fell to the ground, I kept thinking of a song lyric that said, "It's the end of the world as we know it." But unlike in the song, I didn't feel fine. Eventually I had to go out back to be alone. I looked up in the sky and asked God to protect us from any further attacks. I had tears in my eyes out there as I thought of the destruction that was wrought upon us. The rest of the day consisted of talking to relatives and staring at the television. This day was cleary my generation's "day of Infamy".
“story861.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,