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911DA Story: Story
I recently changed careers from aviation to nursing. I was sleeping when it happened and it was approximately 0930a. I had worked the night before and got home at 10p and was off the next 3 days. I heard the phone ring and I promply ignored it. I overheard my mother talking on the answering machine for what seemed a long time. (She is a flight attendant. Her husband is a pilot. They both work at a top ten airline.) I fell back to sleep. Who knows how much longer it was but my cell phone was ringing so I was sure that it was my husband, who is also in the aviation business. It seemed a few minutes had passed when the cell phone alarmed that a message was waiting. I final get up and see that it was my husband that called. I called him back instead of listening to the message he left. I had turned on the answering machine as I was hearing the phone ring. I heard my mom say that the World Trade Centers have been hit by aircraft. Then my husband came on the line. So I turned off the answering machine. My Husband said "did you see the news". I said I was sleeping but that Mom said an airplane hit the World Trade Center. (All this while I was thinking, dumb private pilots. Duh, bigger than life buildings. I fly small aircraft myself and it seemed like a near to impossible accident.) After a moment of silence he said, "you might want to go turn on the news". I don't ever remember him sounding to forlorn and distant. I said what is it!
He said "2 jetcraft just crashed into the World Trade Centers." I said, "by accident?" He said "No. Go turn on the television." I said, "what channel?" He said, "any channel." So with butterflies in my stomach, off I went to the television and it went right to the cartoon network. Well, nothing there except cartoons. Then I change the channel to the 24hour news channel and there it was, that commercial jet plowing into the building. I was aghast. And in denial. I got a creepy chill up my neck and my hair felt like it was standing on end. Those fabulous WTC building with aircraft embedding themselves right into them. I lived in New York for many years, Albany and Long Island, and have many family and friends there. I have a sister and brother in law that work in the city.
Now I am in a panic. I know not to call the airlines during this because it will further the chaos that has enveloped the airlines. My mom knows to call if anything happens to any aircraft in the US so I won't worry.
So I return to the answering machine. She told me that she is OK and on the ground here in Phoenix and at home. She just got in last night. My Stepfather; however, hasn't been heard from yet. Neither of them fly for American or United so I wasn't too worry about that, but it couldv'e been them just as easily. I was worried about where he would be grounded at. And how long? I resumed watching television as they were talking about who was on board including children (here my heart breaks even more and I cry everytime that I think of it. Replaying the horrible scenes of the jets crashing, Firefighters and Police Officers trapped, people jumping from the building, people running in the streets; terrified. And I watched it over and over. I won't ever forget it.
My 4 year old son woke up. I wanted him to see it even if he couldn't understand it. I explained as much to him that a 4 year old could understand. I said "some very bad men who have families of their own took the airplanes and crashed them right into some buildings. Many people died." He asked me "why did they have to die?" I replied,"just because those bad men don't like us very much and they had a temper tantrum like you do sometimes and can't control the anger. That's why we teach you to control your anger. Because Adults are supposed to control their anger so we don't hurt anyone." My son asked,"Mom, why don't they like us?" "I don't know honey, I just don't know. But maybe when you are older, I will tell you about it again, and perhaps have an answer as to why."
Why did I choose to talk to him about it? I want him to remember it.
Remember what anger can drive people to, why hate is a horrible word, tell him that it is OK to be different and it is those differences that make us unique and not to be hated. We are all children under a God, His name comes in many forms, and that is another one of our differences to be embraced along with race, color, sex, preferences, etc. Tolerance is to be taught as well as respect for others.
He said "2 jetcraft just crashed into the World Trade Centers." I said, "by accident?" He said "No. Go turn on the television." I said, "what channel?" He said, "any channel." So with butterflies in my stomach, off I went to the television and it went right to the cartoon network. Well, nothing there except cartoons. Then I change the channel to the 24hour news channel and there it was, that commercial jet plowing into the building. I was aghast. And in denial. I got a creepy chill up my neck and my hair felt like it was standing on end. Those fabulous WTC building with aircraft embedding themselves right into them. I lived in New York for many years, Albany and Long Island, and have many family and friends there. I have a sister and brother in law that work in the city.
Now I am in a panic. I know not to call the airlines during this because it will further the chaos that has enveloped the airlines. My mom knows to call if anything happens to any aircraft in the US so I won't worry.
So I return to the answering machine. She told me that she is OK and on the ground here in Phoenix and at home. She just got in last night. My Stepfather; however, hasn't been heard from yet. Neither of them fly for American or United so I wasn't too worry about that, but it couldv'e been them just as easily. I was worried about where he would be grounded at. And how long? I resumed watching television as they were talking about who was on board including children (here my heart breaks even more and I cry everytime that I think of it. Replaying the horrible scenes of the jets crashing, Firefighters and Police Officers trapped, people jumping from the building, people running in the streets; terrified. And I watched it over and over. I won't ever forget it.
My 4 year old son woke up. I wanted him to see it even if he couldn't understand it. I explained as much to him that a 4 year old could understand. I said "some very bad men who have families of their own took the airplanes and crashed them right into some buildings. Many people died." He asked me "why did they have to die?" I replied,"just because those bad men don't like us very much and they had a temper tantrum like you do sometimes and can't control the anger. That's why we teach you to control your anger. Because Adults are supposed to control their anger so we don't hurt anyone." My son asked,"Mom, why don't they like us?" "I don't know honey, I just don't know. But maybe when you are older, I will tell you about it again, and perhaps have an answer as to why."
Why did I choose to talk to him about it? I want him to remember it.
Remember what anger can drive people to, why hate is a horrible word, tell him that it is OK to be different and it is those differences that make us unique and not to be hated. We are all children under a God, His name comes in many forms, and that is another one of our differences to be embraced along with race, color, sex, preferences, etc. Tolerance is to be taught as well as respect for others.
“story4544.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 16, 2025,