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911DA Story: Story
On September 11th, 2001, terrorism struck in New York, New York, Washington D.C., and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.
At Logan Airport in Boston, MA, people walked on to planes not knowing that it would be their last day alive. When the first plane hit, there was disbelief. When the second, plane hit there was horror. When it continued only getting worse, there was shock and confusion.
That day I sat in school and did my work just like any other day, not knowing the commotion going on around in the world. I sat in my seat during English class, and my teacher said, "The guidance does not want me to do this, but I feel you have a right to know." He turned on the television and there it was, channel after channel filled with horrifying pictures and videos. They contained information and sights that are unforgettable and will stick in my mind forever. My thoughts ran straight to my family. While staring at the T.V. in awe, I thought who? What? Where? When? and Why?
Did September 11th change our lives?
If someone said that September 11th didn't change their life, then they would be lying. I believe that it changed everone's lives. It woke us up and showed us how precious life really is and how quickly it can be taken away. We know now that our existence is not something to take for granted. The pain and sadness hit everyone, some more than others. When the terrorists wanted to harm us, they didn't. The victims courage and strenth will only make us stronger and more courageous. The changes we made in our lives were good and bad, but all of them taught us how to appreciate ourselves and others.
What should be remembered about Septamber 11th 2001?
The victims of September 11th, 2001, who had their lives taken and those who died trying to help others will be remembered forever. The anger, confusion, and sadness all stirred up to make the power of America. 9-11-02 showed the giving from one to another in the time of need. The courage to withstand it all:that is what should be remembered about September 11th. America has changed forever because, istead of just losing loved ones, we gained all the strength that they ever had.
At Logan Airport in Boston, MA, people walked on to planes not knowing that it would be their last day alive. When the first plane hit, there was disbelief. When the second, plane hit there was horror. When it continued only getting worse, there was shock and confusion.
That day I sat in school and did my work just like any other day, not knowing the commotion going on around in the world. I sat in my seat during English class, and my teacher said, "The guidance does not want me to do this, but I feel you have a right to know." He turned on the television and there it was, channel after channel filled with horrifying pictures and videos. They contained information and sights that are unforgettable and will stick in my mind forever. My thoughts ran straight to my family. While staring at the T.V. in awe, I thought who? What? Where? When? and Why?
Did September 11th change our lives?
If someone said that September 11th didn't change their life, then they would be lying. I believe that it changed everone's lives. It woke us up and showed us how precious life really is and how quickly it can be taken away. We know now that our existence is not something to take for granted. The pain and sadness hit everyone, some more than others. When the terrorists wanted to harm us, they didn't. The victims courage and strenth will only make us stronger and more courageous. The changes we made in our lives were good and bad, but all of them taught us how to appreciate ourselves and others.
What should be remembered about Septamber 11th 2001?
The victims of September 11th, 2001, who had their lives taken and those who died trying to help others will be remembered forever. The anger, confusion, and sadness all stirred up to make the power of America. 9-11-02 showed the giving from one to another in the time of need. The courage to withstand it all:that is what should be remembered about September 11th. America has changed forever because, istead of just losing loved ones, we gained all the strength that they ever had.
“story8518.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,