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911DA Story: Story
As any other day i was just getting breakfast . Had my other children off on the school bus.As me and my youngest daughter are eating breakfast i flip on the tv and to my surprise the first tower was hit . At this time i do not know what is going on i sat there in surprise . As the events unflod i am still in disbelief as i think we all were. i decide to call my mom who works second shift as i knew she would be in bed and not know anything about it . as i talk to her and watch my daughter asks who is turning 4 on september 13th why is there a plane in the buiding ? how do you awnser something like that to a 4 year old that we teach love and respect and peace to ? it was a very hard time as a mother . as the day goes on my husband is calling who is at work and had just went on lunch and happened to turn the radio on and heard a little what was going on . i told him what we knew so far everyone was so surprised . my other chilldren arrived home that afternoon from school . my oldest who is a boy and in 1st grade was able to watch on tv what had happened . He had so many questions why did the planes fly in the buildings and why are all those people dead you see my son is very intelegent he understood i think more then i did .he realized those people did not survive . for the weeks to come everytime we drove anywhere he would count the american flags hanging on houses . it was a hard decision to let my children watch the tv . usually you try to keep them from violence and sadness but i felt they needed to see what happens when there are bad people that do such horrible things . as for today one year later my youngest turns 5 she does not remember my son still asks questions about it . today they go to school in red,white,and blue !!! god bless america and all that have lost someone special in there lives . and bless us all for we have all been hurt and sadened and will never forget .this is the land of the free and the home of the brave and i think everyone has proved how brave we all our. my prayers our with everyone !!! united we stand !!!!!!
“story3411.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,