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Date Entered
911DA Story: Story
09.11.01 14:04
To: Franco, Andy, Craig, Larry, Tom
we hadn't left for work yet
i had just switched the tv from espn to cnn,
something we rarely do
in the mornings
it was just about 9am
i was putting on my shoes
we saw the reporter on the top of larry's building
(he works at 5 penn plaza, a building that also houses CNN)
and the wtc smoking in the distance
just as it was registering that there was some sort of fire
(we didn't even consider it could be a bomb at that point)
the second plane hit
i don't even remember seeing the 2nd plane, just the sudden explosion
my very first thought was for my best friend, craig
who works at the american stock exchange, about 2 blocks away
i began frantically dialing, only to encounter the dreaded fast busy
at both his cell phone and the main number for the exchange
within minutes i told larry there was no way he was going to work
we had no idea what the scope was, but i wasn't letting him anywhere nearthe island of manhattan
i voiced a concern the buildings might fall, destroying all below
but larry said "oh, no worries, they're built to withstand this kind of thing"
i called my boss and said i wasn't coming in until i found craig
just as reports of a plane hitting the pentagon began to come in
i found out that my company was closing down sending people home
our company is housed in one of the the tallest buildings in newark
and we're owned largely by israelis, there was concern for the safety of the building
were we at war? how could this happen?
then the first tower went and larry and i began discussing how it was possible that such a symbol of ny could be gone
then the second tower
more frantic calls, why couldn't i get craig on the phone?
surely he had fled the area as soon as this happened
"i'm sure he's fine", i think to myself
called the parents, in san fran and atlanta
sure i'm 10 miles away in nj, but to them, i live in ny
e-mails and IMs, people checking in
finally, the phone rings, craig is walking up the
FDR towards the UN
"no no, head inland" i say, still not sure where this was gonna end
he reports that they were kept in the exchange
because the "powers that be" thought they'd be safer inside, away from possible debris falling
from inside the building, they watched on CNN as
the 2nd plane hit
still, they were told not to leave
craig had called me at work, he left a message
it doesn't occur to him to call me at home at 9:15
the first tower falls
the powers that be changed their mind and told everyone to flee
craig exits the building into what he calls a blizzard
he can't breathe
they walk a block or so and duck into a bank
seeking fresh air
the second tower falls
they see the debris falling outside the bank
but fear staying and flee, not looking back until they can see water
he finally gets me on the phone, turns inland and continues the long walk home to w71st and broadway
craig, one of the crabbiest people i know
has a blister by the time he's reached his home
but even he knows better than to complain
i didn't grow up here, i migrated here
i always looked to the twin towers every time i entered the city
ALWAYS marveling that these symbols i had only
seen on tv or movies as i was growing up were now a part of my daily life
in a way, it was kind of comforting because it reminded me of my childhood fantasy ny
instead of the blocking the box, everyone for themselves, cold reality of daily ny life
To: Franco, Andy, Craig, Larry, Tom
we hadn't left for work yet
i had just switched the tv from espn to cnn,
something we rarely do
in the mornings
it was just about 9am
i was putting on my shoes
we saw the reporter on the top of larry's building
(he works at 5 penn plaza, a building that also houses CNN)
and the wtc smoking in the distance
just as it was registering that there was some sort of fire
(we didn't even consider it could be a bomb at that point)
the second plane hit
i don't even remember seeing the 2nd plane, just the sudden explosion
my very first thought was for my best friend, craig
who works at the american stock exchange, about 2 blocks away
i began frantically dialing, only to encounter the dreaded fast busy
at both his cell phone and the main number for the exchange
within minutes i told larry there was no way he was going to work
we had no idea what the scope was, but i wasn't letting him anywhere nearthe island of manhattan
i voiced a concern the buildings might fall, destroying all below
but larry said "oh, no worries, they're built to withstand this kind of thing"
i called my boss and said i wasn't coming in until i found craig
just as reports of a plane hitting the pentagon began to come in
i found out that my company was closing down sending people home
our company is housed in one of the the tallest buildings in newark
and we're owned largely by israelis, there was concern for the safety of the building
were we at war? how could this happen?
then the first tower went and larry and i began discussing how it was possible that such a symbol of ny could be gone
then the second tower
more frantic calls, why couldn't i get craig on the phone?
surely he had fled the area as soon as this happened
"i'm sure he's fine", i think to myself
called the parents, in san fran and atlanta
sure i'm 10 miles away in nj, but to them, i live in ny
e-mails and IMs, people checking in
finally, the phone rings, craig is walking up the
FDR towards the UN
"no no, head inland" i say, still not sure where this was gonna end
he reports that they were kept in the exchange
because the "powers that be" thought they'd be safer inside, away from possible debris falling
from inside the building, they watched on CNN as
the 2nd plane hit
still, they were told not to leave
craig had called me at work, he left a message
it doesn't occur to him to call me at home at 9:15
the first tower falls
the powers that be changed their mind and told everyone to flee
craig exits the building into what he calls a blizzard
he can't breathe
they walk a block or so and duck into a bank
seeking fresh air
the second tower falls
they see the debris falling outside the bank
but fear staying and flee, not looking back until they can see water
he finally gets me on the phone, turns inland and continues the long walk home to w71st and broadway
craig, one of the crabbiest people i know
has a blister by the time he's reached his home
but even he knows better than to complain
i didn't grow up here, i migrated here
i always looked to the twin towers every time i entered the city
ALWAYS marveling that these symbols i had only
seen on tv or movies as i was growing up were now a part of my daily life
in a way, it was kind of comforting because it reminded me of my childhood fantasy ny
instead of the blocking the box, everyone for themselves, cold reality of daily ny life
“story1388.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,