September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I teach high school English to recent immigrants in Houston, and I was in my classroom during my planning period when I heard the horrible news. I cancelled all of my lessons, so my classes could watch the news. My students were so worried and had so many questions I couldn't answer. I wanted so much to be able to answer their questions. Some kids seemed even more afraid when there seemed to be no quick and easy answer to their questions.

Today we watched the ceremonies, my students again showered me with questions. Many of the questions were the same, and I still had no answers to some of them. How do I answer a child when she asks me how some people could hate so much that they would want to commit murder? Tears came to my eyes when a girl asked me how this horrible thing could happen?

I may not have all of the answers, but I have gained a new understanding of what courage is. It is not being unafraid; it is giving and helping even though we might feel afraid.

The past year has taught me to be proud of my country in a way that I never was before.


“story5140.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,