September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Our son-in-law, Bill, called quite upset. He had just seen the buildings in all their glory the day before. He was sitting in his truck waiting for permission to drive home and wanted us to know that he was alright. We heard another voice in the distance, but ignored it. All of a sudden Bill said, "I gotta go." Not wanting to let go of the connection, my wife said something else. (I don't recall what)He then said, quite sternly, I have to go.

About twenty minutes later he called again. He told me that it was a police officer and he started interegating him. Asking what he was doing there & who he was talking to and why. The officer didn't believe him when he told him he was calling his family. After Bill explained that he wasn't able to get home to his family and needed to let them know he was alright and to make sure we were alright, the officer calmed down and appologized. Apparently a truck matching his truck's description was suppossedly carrying items used to make explosives. The whole world was terrorized by this unexcusable event. We will hold dear to our hearts the brave police officers, firefighters, and all others who worked to save the victims, help their families, and protect all of our country's citizens. Thank you and God Bless and watch over all of us.


“story4377.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,