September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

The alarm went off like any other school morning. Time to get up and wake the girls up for school.I remember how still and fresh the fall morning air was.It was going to be a beautiful day. Arriving to work at the local television station, myself and the news supervisior were to drive 6o miles south to our station in Fort Smith for a department head meeting. Driving down on that beautiful sunny morning we were talking about the day ahead of us,with our local NPR station news playing in the background.
Suddenly, we both stopped our chatter and started listening when we heard of breaking news of a airplane crashing into one of the twin towers in New York. We started talking about the no fly zone that is around the towers and wonder what could of happened.
As we enter the station we noticed everyone was watching the televisions and trying to figure out what was going on.
As we enter the conference room and settled in our chairs the receptonist enter and said that the other tower was hit and so was the Pentagon, that we seemed to be under attack.
The General Manager dismissed everyone back to there departments and plan on what we could do locally.
Steve and I drove back up to the Northwest station and started to work on local stories. I still remember walking outside and how quit it was and looking up at the sky and not seeing any con-trails. The air was still and I could not even hear a car on the road. It was like a ghost town around me.At the end of the day when I picked up my daughters, I remember giving them the biggest of hugs and alot of kisses.
September 11th,2001 changed my life! My life goals had changed in a New York minute! Now,those day to day little things...I don't take them for granted anymore.It's amazing how wet the morning dew is between your toes.The sounds of the birds welcoming the sun as it brings in the first rays of hope for the day,like the very first day of my life.


“story10775.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,