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911DA Story: Story
My husband in in the US Navy, stationed aboard the USS George Washington. He had left the week prior to the attacks. At the time I was 3 months pregnant and my son was going to be 3 in October. The morning of the attacks we had just gotten out of bed and I was so excited because my husband was due home on the 11th. I turned on the t.v and started flipping through the channels, and there it was, the second tower had just gotten hit. I called up one of my friends who also had a husband, and brother on the George Washington. We sat there and cried as she couldn't get a hold of her mom who lived in New York. I left the house and went over to hers, where she had finally gotten in touch with her mom and everything was ok. I stayed over there all night waiting to hear something from my husband, finally he called and told me that they were on there way up to New York, just in case. The feeling that I had was a sense of lonliness on the tragic day. But knowing that all these other people had lost so much, and knowing that my husband was making them feel somewhat secure, made all the feelings of being scared not matter so much. It is scary when your husband is out to sea for up to 6 months at a time, but knowing that he is protecting our country makes so much more sense. My heart goes out to all of those who have suffered a great loss. God Bless all of you and God Bless America.
“story3409.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,