September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It was around eight in the mornign and school had just started. i didnt feel well so i decided to call home. when i got to the addence office i remeber watching the tv and i watched the first plane hit at first i remeber thinking where is that whats happening. i then talked to my grandma who came to pick me up. i wiated outside the school still not understanding what was going on. when i got into her van i hed it that a plane hit one of the towers in new york before this i never even remebered hearing about these two towers. when i got home anouther had hit shortly before. i remeber walking in the door and my mom just grabing me and holding me as if she had just pulled me out of the towers and then we lay down on the couch and cryed as we watched the news on this horible tragedy un fold. i lay and watched as people were jumping from the buildings and dieing then it happend something i would have never thought it calapsed my mom cryed and i remeber thinking to myself what is going on why us and shortly before that more news of anouther attack but nt on the towers but on the very building that was suppose to be the safest the pentagon. i thought are we going to make it through this is america going to stand stronge and live. then shortly after the first one there it goes the second. it felt like only a few seconds had passed sence the first. i wasnt watching the time i was watching the living nightmare that just turned into a horor. at that point i had no tears left i could not cry all i could do is just pray.pray that america gets through this. i watched the news the entire day trying to understand what i had just witnessed. when all of my family had arived home form school and work i remeber everyone talking about there day and how the news was broke to them and all of my siblings i remeber them saying classes did not happen we watched in every class dieing people. i know my memories of that day will never go away everytime this day comes up in conversation i revistit americas worst nigthmare and remeber not mylife as it was before that but what it was at the very moment i saw the picture on the screen at my school what i herd and what i watched at home and how it chaged my family and my life.


“story20359.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,