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911DA Story: Story
September 11, 2001 was aday that changed my life forever. After 9-11-01 my life was changed dramaticly. That day was anormal day for me I just did what I always do the sme rutine beforeI head of to school,I took the bus to Lancaster High School I was in 11th grade. I always go to my math teachers class before school starts beacuse hes really cool, when I went to his class I heard this student talking to my teacher asking him if we are going to war. When I heard him say that I didnt know what he was talking about,so the bell rang I just went to class thinking nothing of what that guy just said,Then when I walked in the class room I head everybody talking about what happend, and I was like what are you guys talking about. Then the teacher turned on the tv and I saw on of the towers on fire, and I saw that aplane crashed into it and they showed all these people running, at that time I thought it was just a plane crash I didnt know that it was a terrorist attack, then all of a sudden I saw another plane come on the screen and I saw it was going straight towards the 2nd tower and then it hit the 2nd tower I just sat there in shock, I was speachless, then I found out that 2 other planes where hijacked and I put 2 and 2 toghether and realized that we are under attack by terrorist.The rest of the day wasnt the same,I was like a walking zombie not thinking right,all I could think about is thoses towers in New York and how could somebody be so evil enought to crash airplanes into the twin towers. Then that night they showed it all over the news and I couldnt get it out of my head.whenI saw a speacil tv program on tv about 9-11-01 and I realized how many innocent people died,and how many brave firefighters and policemen died trying to save someone elese life I started to cry. 9-11-01 made me relize that life can end anytime,it made me take life seriously,now im more patriotic, and I working on getting an American flag tattoed on my right arm. I love america with all my heart, God Bless America.
“story10256.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,