September 11 Digital Archive

Re: [MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda


Re: [MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda



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September 11 Email: Body

One more revision:

Please change "International Solidarity" to "International Solidarity &
National Networking".


----- Original Message -----
From: "X" <X>
To: <X>
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2001 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda

> A few additions/revisions/comments:
> (1)  ADD:  "Structure of coordinating committee (Do we need an Innie?)"
> This should probably come after the purpose/mission discussion.  [My
> here is twofold:  First, we've had a number of administrative lapses --
> no one having responsibility for reserving rooms for CC meetings.  Second,
> e-mail is proving to be a rather sluggish way to deal with issues that
> to be decided quickly, such as the "Is this an emergency?" question from
> last weekend, or even the "Where do we hold the general membership
> question.  X we need an Innie for the CC -- someone who is responsible
> making sure those adminisrative details get covered, and for making phone
> calls to CC members when e-mail isn't fast enough.]
> (2)  CHANGE:  "Funding" to "Report back from Student/Youth Caucus".  This
> should come before the discussion of additional at large CC members.
> (3)  ADD:  The usual round table of Working Group reports/updates
> (4)  COMMENT:  Regarding "Additional at large members selection", it was
> pointed out to me that the three existing at-large members were elected on
> temporary basis.  I can't recall what the final definition of "temporary"
> was, or even if there was one.  Do we need to put all five at-large seats
> for election, or just fill the two empty ones?
> GK
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "X" <X>
> To: <X>
> Sent: Friday, October 26, 2001 10:18 AM
> Subject: [MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda
> > Fellow outies,
> >
> > Here is what I have so far for agenda.  These are mostly left from the
> last
> > meeting.  If you have additional items, please send to me by Sunday noon
> or
> > bring with you to the meeting.  These are not in any particular order at
> > this point.
> >
> > - Purpose/mission for cc (bring your proposals)
> > - Approval of previous meeting minutes (may be moot point as they are
> posted
> > already)
> > - Additional at large members selection (bring your proposals)
> > - GM meeting - select facilitators
> > - GM meeting - prepare agenda
> > - GM meeting - seems like location will be back up for discussion
> > - GM meeting - how much should we pay for meeting space
> > - Being proactive for emergency actions
> > - Funding (not sure of the exact issue, left from last meeting)
> > - International Solidarity
> >
> > I had an action item to compose a Welcome document to distribute at the
> > meeting, I will bring this for commentary.
> >
> > We will need someone to take notes.  I can bring my laptop, but won't be
> > able to both take notes and facilitate at the same time.
> >
> > X, do you have another outie from Arts that needs to get added to
> this
> > mail list?  Otherwise, please pass on to whomever will be representing
> Arts
> > at the meeting.
> >
> > peace,
> > X

September 11 Email: Date

Saturday, October 27, 2001 11:08 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: [MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda


“Re: [MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 18, 2025,