September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

When the September 11th attacks occured, I was going into my Social Studies room.I was in 8th grade. It was the second period of the day. I remember the teacher had the TV on, and it was on CNN with live coverage. I asked the teacher if it was an old video because I didn't know what had happened. He said "Hillary, this is happening NOW." I was numb for the rest of the day. I couldn't stop myself from crying. I kept imagining how the victims were going to survive, and how they must feel... I couldn't imagine. It made me realize that tommorow is NEVER promised to us, and we must make the best of today.
Our nation is forever changed. In the weeks following the attacks, I realized just how strong our country is, and how stupid the terrorists were to think they could bring it down. I bought a flag and hung it on my front door along with a sign. I can never say September 11 again without thinking about the attacks. I saw George Bush giving pep talks to the thousands of people helping to find people and bodies in the ruble. I realized how heroic those people were. I was honored to be in this great country of ours.

Hillary Youngman, 14


“story4537.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,