September 11 Digital Archive

Fw: Fw: [MAPC-coord] Proposal for agenda Tuesday, and response


Fw: Fw: [MAPC-coord] Proposal for agenda Tuesday, and response



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September 11 Email: Body

Here's another take on the "International Solidarity" proposal, from the
original proponent.


----- Original Message -----
From: "X" <X>
To: "X" <X>
Cc: <X>
Sent: Sunday, October 28, 2001 9:44 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: [MAPC-coord] Proposal for agenda Tuesday, and response to
fasting proposal

>  X
>     Thanks for your attention to "loose ends". I really appreciate your
>  being on top of this.  Quickly - and I'll try to reach you by
>  phone also - my vision of international solidarity included a)material
>  aid - not the G.W. kind, but through RAWA, for example, and
>  b)giving voice to those from the region working for peace and social
>  justice.  Specifically, I'd like a peace coalition endorsement to
>  work on bringing on a speaker here from RAWA.  I would seek funding
>  through academic departments and student groups, but I need some
>  official endorsement to approach others with and extend the invitation
>  to RAWA. MAPC could set the framework for dates, etc.; I envision
>  that there would be on-campus talks (where you're not allowed to ask
>  for money) and community events - where we do help raise money
>  for material aid.  If we are going to articulate an alternative
>  agenda, we must not do it in a vacuum.  X is raising money
>  for a meeting of Afghan women in Brussels in December. Perhaps
>  we can help coordinate a US tour, or at least a regional one.
>     Thanks for your email, and everything X spelled out also
>  makes sense to me.
>  X

September 11 Email: Date

Sunday, October 28, 2001 10:49 AM

September 11 Email: Subject

Fw: Fw: [MAPC-coord] Proposal for agenda Tuesday, and response


“Fw: Fw: [MAPC-coord] Proposal for agenda Tuesday, and response,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 6, 2024,