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911DA Story: Story
My story started when i first came to school September 11th i walked into business class having no clue that anything was goin to happen and my teacher had began the lesson she was teaching for the day. Then one of the teachers had come up stairs and said to turn on the tv so i went and turned the tv on and all i seen at first was the two buildings on the screen and the announcer talking about the pentagon at the time. i didn't know that there was anything wronge with the trade center and untill the other anouncer started talking then i seen somone jump from tyhe building to the ground. thats when i knew somthing really serious was going on. we sat there all three periods and watched it. then the whole building collaps. i knew that the building falling would effect the world directly on the economics. and i knew that's esacly what those people were trying to do. it wasn't that much of an effect on me but i knew that it would effect everyones life.
“story3185.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed December 28, 2024,