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911DA Story: Story
The attacks of September 11, 2001 came as a huge surprise to Americans and others around the world. The catastrophic devastation that was present on that day made every American lose their sense of security. For a period of time, most of us did not believe something of this nature was possible, but yet, it was happening at that very moment. The events shattered many lives that day and the days that followed, yet patriotism and the unity of our nation rose up, despite our devastation. We as Americans could not show our fear and weakness, we would not perish, nor would we get mad, it was the getting even that made it all worth while. It was a truly beautiful sight to ride through a neighborhood, or down any street for that matter, and see an American flag flying high and proud at every residence and on every vehicle.
I really felt a connection with all the firefighters, rescue workers and police officers that lost their lives during the attacks of 9/11. My boyfriend and I both volunteer at the Fire Department near our home in New Kent. He is both a firefighter and an EMT and I am just an EMT, and the brotherhood that exists between us and the other members is amazing, we are as close as a family. We are all the same, we risk our lives for the sake of others, not even the risk of death scares us, if we go, we go doing what we love best, helping others in their time of need.
The out pour of help and dedication from the community in support and appreciation of local Fire Departments and Rescue Squads amazed us all, they always knew we were there in case of an emergency but it was truly touching to receive their support publicly and out of free will. I am not an EMT for the glory of the spotlight, nor to be a hero, neither is my boyfriend, and neither were the ones that lost their lives trying to save others. To them, getting paid for it was a plus, but they still would have done it anyway for free, just the sheer desire to help others kept them going inside the building that would topple upon them.
I, personally, will never forget the events of that dreadful day, it will be a day that goes down in history and I will remember every detail. I will never let my children forget what happened, and to always look over their shoulders and to never let their guard down, no matter how strong they think they are, because if they are too comfortable and convenient, that leaves an opportunity for destruction. September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten by any around the world and those who lost their lives will be forever in our hearts, all as heroes.
I really felt a connection with all the firefighters, rescue workers and police officers that lost their lives during the attacks of 9/11. My boyfriend and I both volunteer at the Fire Department near our home in New Kent. He is both a firefighter and an EMT and I am just an EMT, and the brotherhood that exists between us and the other members is amazing, we are as close as a family. We are all the same, we risk our lives for the sake of others, not even the risk of death scares us, if we go, we go doing what we love best, helping others in their time of need.
The out pour of help and dedication from the community in support and appreciation of local Fire Departments and Rescue Squads amazed us all, they always knew we were there in case of an emergency but it was truly touching to receive their support publicly and out of free will. I am not an EMT for the glory of the spotlight, nor to be a hero, neither is my boyfriend, and neither were the ones that lost their lives trying to save others. To them, getting paid for it was a plus, but they still would have done it anyway for free, just the sheer desire to help others kept them going inside the building that would topple upon them.
I, personally, will never forget the events of that dreadful day, it will be a day that goes down in history and I will remember every detail. I will never let my children forget what happened, and to always look over their shoulders and to never let their guard down, no matter how strong they think they are, because if they are too comfortable and convenient, that leaves an opportunity for destruction. September 11, 2001 will never be forgotten by any around the world and those who lost their lives will be forever in our hearts, all as heroes.
“story504.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,