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911DA Story: Story
September 11th, 2001 ~ is exactly one week after my sixtieth birthday. I was sitting at my computer at home, as is usual, and my husband phoned from his car. "Turn on the TV" he commanded. "An airplane has crashed into the World Trade Center!" I cried "Oh, my God". On TV, I saw the second plane explode into the other tower and I knew it was war. I cannot remember if I tried to find my children immediately or if it was after the Pentagon attack. My oldest son is at home in Herndon, so I feel he is as safe as are we in Springfield, but Jamey is downtown, in the capital city. How would he be able to come home to Virginia, as the bridges would surely be closed? His wife's skills are required at the hospital to attend to casualties expected from the Pentagon, so I feel he needs to be with his children. Rumors are flying about other attacks on the government. Although my earnest prayers are with my compatriots who came into harm's way this September morning by attending to their usual business, I want to know my family is safe. What is to come? It is an unsettled time. My homeland attacked just thirteen miles away; I never imagined seeing the Pentagon under siege!
“story8918.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,