September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

The morning of Sept. 11, 2001 was a big morning for me, I was finally going to a big meeting with the Milwaukee Cty. Sherriff's Dept.My appointment was at 8 (central time)so I
was walking into the courthouse when the first plane hit. Standing in line to go through security there were TV's- all of a sudden the news went to a breaking news- and it showed the plane hitting. I couldn't beleive it. I felt sick; everyone around me was in shock. I have family in the city and immediately thoughts went to them. I just stood there with all the other people watching in horror as the images was replayed over and over. I see the man I am to meet with run by- I ask him what is going on? He says he has to go to the airport- we'll reschedule. He tells me to get home. People on cell phones are yelling that Chicago is the next target I froze, my sister lives there. I try to call- no answer. I try to leave the city but if you've ever been to Milwaukee you know the traffic sucks on a good day. It was as if a tidal wave were rolling towards us-from Lake Michigan- everyone heading west and north and south out of the city. I tried to get my husband on my cell, but nothing. I am so scared as he is on a project in the tallest building on the Lakeshore. I don't know where to go what to do. I drive to work where everyone is gathered around the TV in my office. I sit there for an hour trying to get a hold of my sister, finally I talk to my mom and she says sis is on here way up out of Chicago. I cannot bear to sit a t work so I go home and watch the news. Finally husband comes home- we sit for hours. Finally we walk into the village for a candle light vigil. There is sadness everywhere. WE decide to walk up tp the tavern to get away from the TV, but they are playing it too.

Everything changed that day. We had only been married for 3 months. We realized it would never be the same again. I carried around so much sadness and anger for months that I grind my teeth til this day. My heart breaks for all who lost love that day. Especially for the orphans of 9/11.


“story10518.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,