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911DA Story: Story
Hi My name is Sherriva. On the day of September 11, 2001 I was in my 3rd period English class. All I can remember was my teacher telling us that sometimes things have to happen to keep the world in balance. I recall mysef questioning my friends on our teachers mental well being, Then her turning on CNN. All I saw was chaos, People running and sceaming and crying. Not really knowing what was going on but feeling that something wasn't right.Then hearing about the heartless masacre made me sick to my stomach.Just the thought, that someone could take thousands of human lives and throw them away is disguisting.Who gave them the right to play the role of God? From that moment on I realized that this world wasn't all that I thought it was cracked up up to be. A place that is supposed to be safe.I knew that there was no such thing as an Utopia, but I thought that America of all the places in this dog eat dog world was close enough to one for me.I may not have been there in the flesh, But in mind and soul I was, And now my consciencesness ring with the unforgetable echoes of the falling buildings, that I alone shall never forget.
“story10645.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,