September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

The Day the world Stood Still In Time

By Kathy Bruni
Spring , Texas

I had just Droped off my son at school and had come home when the phone rang, I answered it and it was my Husband. He had asked me if I had the TV on and I said no why? He said that you might want to turn it on , because the World Trade Centers had been hit by Planes, at the time I told him I am sure that you didn't hear the news right , so I turned on the TV and was so shocked by what I saw that I fell to the floor of my house in Disbelief. Then the news started telling us what had realy happened , that Terrorise had Hyjacked 3 Planes and that a fourth was being hyjacked , I thought to myself how can this be ? Then before I could think clearly the World Trade Centers come crashing down on TV, I just couldn't get up off the floor. Then I thought what about my kids , I started to call their schools and then another surrpise came on the TV , Flight 93 had flown its self in to the growned. Then they said that people had gottin phone calls from their loved one telling them good bye for the last time. I thought O my god the people on those Planes! They had just hit the World Trade Centers or one of the other buildings. Words just can't descibe the fear of the not knowing what to do next. I got in my car and rushed to the schools in fear that because of where we live I may not seem kids again. I couldn't hold back the tears on my face, they asked me what was wrong and I told them . They said that they too where scared . When we got home they just sat in frount of the TV and they too just couldn't beleive what they where seening on TV. Then the next day the TV was saying they where trying to find people and all they could fing was body parts. The fear we all have and had on that terrible day of set 11, 2001 will for ever be burned in our minds and the minds of those who lost a love one or those who lost their lives.The Courage , Leadership , Spirt , Individual Dignity, Humanity and Heroism that these people showed on the plane and at grown zero will be in the memories of us all.Always Remeber what these people did to help keep our world safe and to keep Freedom Free for all who are left behind. I promise I will never forget Sep 11 , 2001


“story3138.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,