September 11 Digital Archive

[MAPC-discuss] Drug Companies Profit from War and Disease...


[MAPC-discuss] Drug Companies Profit from War and Disease...



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September 11 Email: Body


Folks may be interested in reading the story in the Sunday
(11/4) New York Times Money and Business Section titled "A Muscular
Lobby Rolls Ups its Sleeves" by Leslie Wayne and Melody Petersen.

Among the highlights of the article:

*There are more registered drug industry lobbyists in DC than
actual elected politicians - half of these lobbyists are former
Congresspeople, Congressional staffers or ex government employees
(hmmm...revolving door, conflict of interest, anyone?)

*Between 1999 and 2000 drug companies spent $197 million
lobbying Congress - now the largest lobby group on Capitol Hill

*Last year alone the anti-anthrax drug, Cypro, earned its
corporate patent holder, Bayer, a whopping $1.6 billion

*Former WI Governor now turned Bush White House Health and
Human Services Sec., Tommy Thompson, has been boasting in the press
about what a "tough" negotiator he is when it comes to the drug cartel
- well, thanks to his "herculean" effort, Bayer agreed to cut
its profit margin on Cypro from 95% to "only" 65% in exchange for
protecting its patent monopoly.  In other words, taxpayers are now
paying $1.00 per pill that costs less than a dime to make, versus the
$1.77 that was charged in the pre-9/11 "free market"...

Of course, no corporate "free trade" apologists in the
mainstream press, the Democratic/Republican party leadership, etc.
etc. are willing to address the real issue of why we are still
allowing private interests to profit off of war and disease.  Isn't
affordable quality healthcare a human right of ALL people?
And aren't government sanctioned monopolies an oxymoron in a free
market system?


X, Madison

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September 11 Email: Date

Monday, November 05, 2001 7:12 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

[MAPC-discuss] Drug Companies Profit from War and Disease...


“[MAPC-discuss] Drug Companies Profit from War and Disease...,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 27, 2024,