September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It seems impossible that five short years ago every sense of feeling secure in the United States was removed....I was already at work when the first plane hit and my assistant came in after I did, turning our radio on. I stood in stunned silence as I listened to the news reporters conveying what happened. I immediately called my husband, Robert, even though we lived about two and a half blocks away from where I worked - at most - to see if he had the news on. He did and told me what they were saying. I remember having him on speaker phone so that my assistant could hear him as well. Neither of us expect to hear him say "Oh my God! A second plane has hit the second tower!!!!" Because we had two lines in the office, I picked up the phone and called my mom on the second line. She was at work as well...and I could tell that she knew and had been crying. All I said was "Mom, I don't know what's going on but I had to call you to tell you that if I don't see you again that I love you and to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my mom. I hope that I've been the daughter that you've wanted and I pray that I'll see you soon!" With that I was crying. Robert actually heard my conversation with my mom and said that he'd drive to her work for me to make sure that she was okay. My second call was to our other store because the woman who was my manager there (I was the district manager) was from Pakistan and I knew the employee working with her that day was from India. I told them that if they wanted I would come there and the employee could come to my store to work with my assistant. Because we were locked in a secure room with bullet proof glass, they opted to stay where they were because they knew their customers well and felt safe. I told them that at any hint of danger to call 911 and get police backup. I know that we were on the phone with them about every 15 minutes with the understanding that if they did not answer I would be coming with half of the Fort Wayne Police Force with me! My third call was to our corporate office letting them know that I had already checked in with my other store in town to let them know of my conversation and our plans.

I then, and only then, allowed myself to turn inward and cry. I hit my knees in prayer - and my assistant who was Catholic but hadn't practiced her faith in years - went to her knees as well. I think that we stayed like that for at least 15 minutes and ended up opening up the store late.

I know that when I went home that night I hugged Robert longer and harder than I had in the two years that we had been married. We went to my mom's so that I could see her and I called my two older brothers who were still talking to the family. Sadly, my other brother and my sister didn't answer their phones when I tried to call - wishing that this tragedy would turn their hearts to make they realize how short and precious life is.

I think about September 11, 2001 often. My great-nephews and great-niece were only 3, 2 and 1 years old at the time. We were miscarrying our first and only pregnancy. What would the world be like for them now that we had a terriorist attack on our own soil? What would the world be like for any child that we would concieve? I couldn't answer those questions then, and I can't now.

I, too, think about the fact that I work across the street from the tallest building in Fort Wayne and sometimes wonder what would happen if something happened here. I always say a prayer that I would be safe and that God would protect us....knowing that I'm also not naive about life or the world anymore.

I think about our fellow citizens who lost their lives during and because of this attack...and about their families and friends. May they find comfort in knowing that there are still people who think about them, pray about them actually, daily....not just on anniversaries.

The first song I heard this morning on the way to work was "Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning" by Alan Jackson...and as it did when I first heard it and every time since, I had tears rolling down my face.

So on this day may you hold someone that you love closer, call your parent(s), call your sibling(s), call an old friend to reconnect....and live your life to the fullest.

Regardless of race, nationality or religion...may God watch over the WORLD and bring us all peace tonight....and every night.


“story20693.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,