September 11 Digital Archive

[MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda


[MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda



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September 11 Email: Body

Fellow outies,

Here is what I have so far for agenda.  These are mostly left from the last
meeting.  If you have additional items, please send to me by Sunday noon or
bring with you to the meeting.  These are not in any particular order at
this point.

- Purpose/mission for cc (bring your proposals)
- Approval of previous meeting minutes (may be moot point as they are posted
- Additional at large members selection (bring your proposals)
- GM meeting - select facilitators
- GM meeting - prepare agenda
- GM meeting - seems like location will be back up for discussion
- GM meeting - how much should we pay for meeting space
- Being proactive for emergency actions
- Funding (not sure of the exact issue, left from last meeting)
- International Solidarity

I had an action item to compose a Welcome document to distribute at the
meeting, I will bring this for commentary.

We will need someone to take notes.  I can bring my laptop, but won't be
able to both take notes and facilitate at the same time.

X, do you have another outie from Arts that needs to get added to this
mail list?  Otherwise, please pass on to whomever will be representing Arts
at the meeting.


September 11 Email: Date

Friday, October 26, 2001 10:18 AM

September 11 Email: Subject

[MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda


“[MAPC-coord] Sunday meeting reminders and agenda,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 22, 2024,