September 11 Digital Archive

Fwd: change in transportation plans- Edgewood apparently no


Fwd: change in transportation plans- Edgewood apparently no



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September 11 Email: Body

Coordinating Committee
I just got this note from Sister Mo. they have cleared up there
transportation problem.  there is stilll, howver, some room left on the bus.

>From: "X." <X>
>To: "X" <X>
>Subject: FW: change in transportation plans
>Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2001 16:51:07 -0600
>Hi, X ... I just read your message about CALA, etc.  We just made a
>decision about an hour ago about our transportation, so I will forward
>the message below to you that I just sent to my SOA list, so you will
>know what is going on. I just can't take the chance of having empty
>seats, when we're only two weeks away from the trip, so our space will
>be much more limited than I thought this morning.  There still is some
>space, of course, so if you know people who definitely want to ride on
>our bus, please urge them to contact me and make arrangements by 11/7.
>Thanks much ... Sr. X
> > Dear friends ... I'm choosing green type for HOPE.  I HOPE you're all
> > keeping your sense of HOPE alive.
> >
> > Just this minute, a change of our travel plans for Nov. 16-19 has
> > evolved.  We only have 22 people paid as of today (11/1) for a
> > 47-passenger bus.  Obviously, we cannot pay over $4500 for such a
> > small number.  Milwaukee Peace Action has 55 persons paid for two
> > 55-passenger buses, so they have lots of space open too.  Therefore,
> > Joyce Ellwanger from Milw. and I just decided (and confirmed with Wis.
> > Coach Lines) that we will cancel the 47-passenger bus and arrange for
> > one of the 55-passenger buses to come to Madison on 11/16 to pick up
> > whoever from here is going to Columbus, GA.  Then we will drive to
> > Milwaukee, meet the other bus there, and go on together to GA, leaving
> > Milwaukee by 7 PM Friday evening.  So our 5 PM departure time from
> > Madison still works fine.
> >
> > If you are still planning to attend the SOA Vigil but have not gotten
> > your app. form nor any $$ in yet, you need to do that asap.  I am
> > estimating that we will fill 30 seats, leaving 25 seats on our bus for
> > other Milwaukee folks.  Whenever those seats are filled, other people
> > will be taken on board on a first-come, first-served basis.  So I need
> > to send a check to X in Milw. by 11/8 to cover our expenses for
> > the bus.  Anyone who has applied and sent in full payment (unless you
> > wish to talk w/me about scholarship $$) by that time will be assured
> > of a seat on the bus and a space in a room at the Best Western for
> > Sat. night, 11/17.
> >
> > Our last prep meeting is next Wed., 11/7, 5-6 PM.  We will get an
> > update on plans from SOA Watch and talk about details related to the
> > trip.  It's very important that you make that meeting if at all
> > possible.
> >
> > Peace to you ... Sr. X

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September 11 Email: Date

Friday, November 02, 2001 8:44 AM

September 11 Email: Subject

Fwd: change in transportation plans- Edgewood apparently no


“Fwd: change in transportation plans- Edgewood apparently no,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 6, 2024,