September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

One Day of Terrorism, A Lifetime of Memories

On a September 11, 2001, I woke up rather late. I had to rush to get to my first class at 9 am. The class went smoothly as I dosed off in there. Next, was psychology. I?m taking through notes and one of my friends comes in class late and says that a plane has just run into the World Trade Center. I laughed and said, ?shut up, you stupid.? She then proceeded to say, ?I?m serious!? By her facial expression, I could tell that she was serious. I was then in shock. I couldn?t believe it. I wondered why something always happens to the World Trade Center. When I got out of class I then found out that another plane hit the other building to the world trade center. This is when everyone figured out that it was an act of terrorism.
By 12 o?clock everyone knew about what had happened. People were walking around campus sad, many crying, because many of them either had family or knew someone that worked there. Too many people died that day. Then the pain struck me. I realized that the debris from the wreck could have hit the people any where near the building. My uncle owns a business a block away from the trade center. I also have an aunt that travels about twice a week to New York. The hotel she stays in is about five blocks from the World Trade Center. And I have an Uncle that works in Washington. After worrying for about two hours I got the phone call that they were all ok. My uncle in NY was walking into his building when it happened, and had time to get away. My aunt was scheduled to go on her trip but postponed it. My uncle in Washington didn?t go to work that day. He was sick. My family was very thankful and blessed that day.
It seemed just like a movie. Even though I wasn?t in there, I can only imagine what went on inside the World Trade Center. All I could think of was what those people were thinking: screaming, blood, sleep, screams and memories are all I could think about while a brick is approaching me. What do I do, but I can?t move. Stop holding me but no one is around. Help! Help! Help! Wait a minute why isn?t there anyone around to help me. Am I the only one who is seeing this? What is going on? Oh my gosh! I have to get out of here. I didn?t have much time to go on. Bricks begin to fall from all over and I knew it was time for me to get out. About several hundred people and myself were headed toward the exits but something happened. At the main entrance I witness about thirty people get crushed in a matter of seconds. I trip and fall over debris and stay there because someone or something is on top of me. All I could do was just close my eyes, and wait?


“story550.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,