September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

For me, the morning of September 11, 2001 started rather normally. I woke up earlier then normal because I had needed to get some things done for school. After I finished getting ready I went downstairs for breakfast, where my mom was listening to the radio. At about ten until six a.m. the music cut out and the D.J. said a plane had hit the World Trade Center. To be honost, I didn't even know what the World Trade Center was. At first I thought it was an accident. Shortly after the radio said a second plane hit. This is when I first thought of war.
The school was buzzing with gossip about the attack. Everyone wanted to know who was responsible? Who would do this to us? Teachers did their best to explain the attacks without worrying us to much. It seemed everyone reacted differently to the images coming on the telivision screen; some were so angry, while others cried. The following week was amazing to me. The amount of patriotism our country showed stunned me. It was impossible to buy an American flag. On National Rembrence day I went to a street corner with candles. There was a saxophone, trumpet, and trombone there playing songs like the National Anthem. We even got on T.V.. I was really happy and proud about how our nation reacted to such a tragedy. We stood strong and bonded together.


“story8302.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,