September 11 Digital Archive

RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda


RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda



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September 11 Email: Body


Thanks for doing this. I would change the first paragraph to the following
for readability:

The main decision-making body of MAPC is the General Meeting. (moved this
next sentence forward from end of paragraph; seemed to flow better) The
Coordinating Committee ensures that the decisions of the General Meetings
are implemented. The General Meeting sets the politics and the overall
direction of MAPC.  The Coordinating Committee takes its direction from the
General Meeting, and is accountable to the (deleted general) membership. All
decisions made by the Coordinating Committee are subject to discussion and
review by the General Meeting.

- The Coordinating Committee is empowered to make emergency decisions for
MAPC.  An emergency decision consists of responding appropriately to rapidly
changing current events, or of initiating the coordination of plans that are
under time constraint. The Coordinating Committee has the right to make
emergency decisions when necessary.  Emergency decisions will be reported
back to the General Meeting

I'll print, but would need to know tonight about content so that I can do it
between work tomorrow & the meeting. I'll be in a time crunch, especially
with getting X to a friend's house before the meeting.


-----Original Message-----
From: X
Sent: Sunday, November 11, 2001 8:38 PM
Cc: X; X
Subject: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda

Here is the CC mission, combining X's original plus what we added/changed:

- The main decision-making body of MAPC is the General Meeting.  The General
Meeting sets the politics and the general direction of MAPC.  The
Coordinating Committee takes its direction from the General Meeting, and is
accountable to the general membership.  All decisions made by the
Coordinating Committee are subject to discussion and review by the General
Meeting.  The Coordinating Commitee ensures that the decisions of the
General Meetings are implemented.

- The Coordinating Committee is the central orgainizing body of MAPC.  It
ensures that the work of the committees is coordinated.  It evaluates
ongoing work to make sure that MAPC is not missing opportunities for
outreach, growth, and political impact.

- The Coordinating Committee is responsible for facilitating development of
overall strategy for the coalition, subject to General Meeting approval, and
for providing recommendations to ensure that the work of the committees is
coordinated in a matter consistent with that strategy.

- The Coordinating Committee is empowered to make emergency decisions for
MAPC.  An emergency decision consists of responding appropriately to rapidly
changing current events, or of initiating the coordination of plans that are
under time constraint. The Coordinating Committee has the right to make
emergency decisions when necessary.  Emergency decisions will be reported
back to the General Meeting.

- The Coordinating Committee is responsible for establishing policy on and
making decisions regarding disbursement of funds by the coaltion.

- The Coordinating Committee is responsible for orgainizing the General
Meetings.  It will develop agendas for General Meetings.  It assures that
General Meetings are organized so that critical discussions are held and
important decisions are made in a timely fashion.

THis was a little more difficult than it seemed, since not all sentences
flowed well with what was sandwiched in.  The first paragraph is funky with
using "general meeting" and "general membership" but I think it's probably
ok. I did some minor editing to make everything fit together. We agreed to
give 24 hours for corrections and feedback. X and X will present.
X, will you be printing for distribution at the meeting?

Here is the agenda:

GM meeting agenda

1) Welcome
2) committee reports
- action
- outreach
- Student Youth
- Arts
- media
- policy
- fundraising
- labor movement report
3) Proposals (new business)
- CC mission proposal
- Action committee vigil proposal
- SYC logo proposal
4) Announcements
5) Optional - Video

I'll get the meeting notes out as soon as I can clean them up, probably
tomorrow evening.


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September 11 Email: Date

Monday, November 12, 2001 10:15 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda


“RE: [MAPC-coord] cc mission for approval, gm agenda,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 7, 2024,