September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It is ironic that on *THAT* particular day, as I was driving my daughter to school, radio off because I wanted to talk with her about the upcoming day, I decided that it was THAT day I was going to make a concerted effort to NOT get on the computer and read the news and surf on current events. I was going to do some real time work and indulge in some writing.

So what made me turn on the radio after I dropped her off? I think it was my thought to at least listen for any news on the drive home before I decided to shut the world out for the next few hours.

How mistaken I was!

When I first heard that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, all sorts of thoughts went through my mind. My God, what a horrible tragedy...what could possibly have gone wrong? I tried to visualize the buildings, but nothing prepared me for the sight of the tower burning on TV.

By the time I had returned home and turned on the news, the second plane had hit...and it was that horrible crystalizing moment that I...WE...knew.

My prayers and thoughts go out to all who were directly affected by this attack. I spent the rest of the day transfixed in front of the television, afraid to go outside. And when I went outside, it was as if the very air throughout America had changed.

As it was pointed out not too long after that, we were all New Yorkers on that day.


“story1314.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed May 13, 2024,