Fwd: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on
Fwd: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on
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Date Entered
September 11 Email: Body
In a message dated 11/24/01 10:25:32 PM, x writes:
Forwarded Message:
Subj: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on
Date: Saturday, November 24, 2001 8:24:25 AM
From: x
To: x
From: x
To: x
2. A Thanksgiving Message from Eve Ensler
This is the Thanksgiving when the burqas came off in Afghanistan.
It is the Thanksgiving when women marched in Kabul, their faces
at last revealed, their voices heard after years of silence. On
this day of gratitude, we are getting a taste of what the future
might be like. A future that lies in the feminine. Not in the
bombing, but in the willingness to rest in the uncertainty. It
lies not in hating and defining enemies, but in allowing
ourselves the time of grief. It lies not in flags waving but in
hungering for the global world, it lies not in revenge or
retaliation, but in imagining the creative, outrageous
surprising response. It lies not in the proving of one's strength
and superiority but in the generosity of care, inclusion and
kindness. It lies not in domination and greed, but in feeding
those who are hungry. It lies not in getting more and having it
all, but in giving and giving and giving it away.
I send deepest blessings and gratitude for all you continue to
do to end violence against women and girls.
Eve Ensler
New York, New York
November 21, 2001
Vv vV
3. Support for Afghan Women
In the past few weeks, V-Day has received many messages from
people looking to help our sisters in Afghanistan. The first
steps to freedom have been taken, but there is so much more to
do. We must ensure that the future government of Afghanistan
includes women and respects the rights of all women.
Two years ago, Eve Ensler and V-Day's Executive Director Willa
Shalit traveled inside Afghanistan to meet Afghan women working
for change inside the country. Since that time V-Day has
partnered with RAWA - the Revolutionary Association for the
Women of Afghanistan. RAWA is still hard at work both inside
and outside Afghanistan, fighting for the rights and freedoms
of Afghan women. They still need our support. You can help
RAWA financially by making a donation at
Vv vV
4. Necessary Targets, a New Play by Eve, Premieres in Hartford
Good news! A new play by Eve Ensler - "Necessary Targets" - is
premiering at The Hartford Stage in Hartford, CT on November 28.
Better news: Mention "V-Day" when you call for tickets between
now and December 7th, and you'll receive the special V-Day price
of $20. (Opening night and Saturday nights are excluded.) You
can reach the box office at (860) 527-5151.
Even better news: Eve will be attending each performance between
November 23rd and November 29th. Most nights she will stay after
the show to speak with the audience.
Best news: "Necessary Targets" is the extraordinary story of
American and Bosnian women struggling together to understand
themselves and understand the impact of war on their lives. It's
based on interviews conducted by Eve with women who survived the
civil war in the former Yugoslavia. It is heartbreaking, funny,
and deeply moving. It is extraordinary and life changing.
(Editor's note: if it seems like I'm waxing on, it's because I've
seen readings of "Necessary Targets," so I know how good it is.
It's hard for me to believe that most of my friends who have seen
and loved "The Vagina Monologues" have not seen this play. And I'm
very happy that I'm now going to be able to drag them all to see
Vv vV
5. An Update on V-Day 2002
In 2002, V-Day is going grassroots and global. To date almost
600 V-Day performances of "The Vagina Monologues" are planned
at colleges and cities around the world. We'll be "reclaiming
cunt" in church basements and grand ballrooms, from Argentina
to Zaire.
V-Day is also engaging in several other campaigns, including
the International Stop Rape Contest, the Speak Up with V-Day
campaign to educate the US Congress, and the Rape Free Zone
Details on these and other efforts can be found at the V-Day
web site: http://www.vday.org.
Vv vV
6. Call for Visions
The vision of V-Day is not created by any one individual or
small group. We all create the vision of a world where girls
and women live free, safe, equal and with dignity. If you have
a vision you'd like to share through V-Mail, please send it to
us at editor@vday.org. Visions should be one or two paragraphs.
Please include your age, and the country and city where you live.
We'd like to share a vision from around the world in every issue.
<TITLE>Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on</TITLE>
<TT>2. A Thanksgiving Message from Eve Ensler
This is the Thanksgiving when the burqas came off in Afghanistan.
It is the Thanksgiving when women marched in Kabul, their faces
at last revealed, their voices heard after years of silence. On
this day of gratitude, we are getting a taste of what the future
might be like. A future that lies in the feminine. Not in the
bombing, but in the willingness to rest in the uncertainty. It
lies not in hating and defining enemies, but in allowing
ourselves the time of grief. It lies not in flags waving but in
hungering for the global world, it lies not in revenge or
retaliation, but in imagining the creative, outrageous
surprising response. It lies not in the proving of one's strength
and superiority but in the generosity of care, inclusion and
kindness. It lies not in domination and greed, but in feeding
those who are hungry. It lies not in getting more and having it
all, but in giving and giving and giving it away.
I send deepest blessings and gratitude for all you continue to
do to end violence against women and girls.
Eve Ensler
New York, New York
November 21, 2001
Vv vV
3. Support for Afghan Women
In the past few weeks, V-Day has received many messages from
people looking to help our sisters in Afghanistan. The first
steps to freedom have been taken, but there is so much more to
do. We must ensure that the future government of Afghanistan
includes women and respects the rights of all women.
Two years ago, Eve Ensler and V-Day's Executive Director Willa
Shalit traveled inside Afghanistan to meet Afghan women working
for change inside the country. Since that time V-Day has
partnered with RAWA - the Revolutionary Association for the
Women of Afghanistan. RAWA is still hard at work both inside
and outside Afghanistan, fighting for the rights and freedoms
of Afghan women. They still need our support. You can help
RAWA financially by making a donation at
Vv vV
4. Necessary Targets, a New Play by Eve, Premieres in Hartford
Good news! A new play by Eve Ensler - "Necessary Targets" - is
premiering at The Hartford Stage in Hartford, CT on November 28.
Better news: Mention "V-Day" when you call for tickets between
now and December 7th, and you'll receive the special V-Day price
of $20. (Opening night and Saturday nights are excluded.) You
can reach the box office at (860) 527-5151.
Even better news: Eve will be attending each performance between
November 23rd and November 29th. Most nights she will stay after
the show to speak with the audience.
Best news: "Necessary Targets" is the extraordinary story of
American and Bosnian women struggling together to understand
themselves and understand the impact of war on their lives. It's
based on interviews conducted by Eve with women who survived the
civil war in the former Yugoslavia. It is heartbreaking, funny,
and deeply moving. It is extraordinary and life changing.
(Editor's note: if it seems like I'm waxing on, it's because I've
seen readings of "Necessary Targets," so I know how good it is.
It's hard for me to believe that most of my friends who have seen
and loved "The Vagina Monologues" have not seen this play. And I'm
very happy that I'm now going to be able to drag them all to see
Vv vV
5. An Update on V-Day 2002
In 2002, V-Day is going grassroots and global. To date almost
600 V-Day performances of "The Vagina Monologues" are planned
at colleges and cities around the world. We'll be "reclaiming
cunt" in church basements and grand ballrooms, from Argentina
to Zaire.
V-Day is also engaging in several other campaigns, including
the International Stop Rape Contest, the Speak Up with V-Day
campaign to educate the US Congress, and the Rape Free Zone
Details on these and other efforts can be found at the V-Day
web site: http://www.vday.org.
Vv vV
6. Call for Visions
The vision of V-Day is not created by any one individual or
small group. We all create the vision of a world where girls
and women live free, safe, equal and with dignity. If you have
a vision you'd like to share through V-Mail, please send it to
us at editor@vday.org. Visions should be one or two paragraphs.
Please include your age, and the country and city where you live.
We'd like to share a vision from around the world in every issue.
----------------------- Headers --------------------------------
From: EBOOTSTRAP@aol.com
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 22:25:32 EST
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Fwd: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on
From: x
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 08:19:42 -0500
To: x
Subject: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on
2. A Thanksgiving Message from Eve Ensler
This is the Thanksgiving when the burqas came off in Afghanistan.
It is the Thanksgiving when women marched in Kabul, their faces
at last revealed, their voices heard after years of silence. On
this day of gratitude, we are getting a taste of what the future
might be like. A future that lies in the feminine. Not in the
bombing, but in the willingness to rest in the uncertainty. It
lies not in hating and defining enemies, but in allowing
ourselves the time of grief. It lies not in flags waving but in
hungering for the global world, it lies not in revenge or
retaliation, but in imagining the creative, outrageous
surprising response. It lies not in the proving of one's strength
and superiority but in the generosity of care, inclusion and
kindness. It lies not in domination and greed, but in feeding
those who are hungry. It lies not in getting more and having it
all, but in giving and giving and giving it away.
I send deepest blessings and gratitude for all you continue to
do to end violence against women and girls.
Eve Ensler
New York, New York
November 21, 2001
Vv vV
3. Support for Afghan Women
In the past few weeks, V-Day has received many messages from
people looking to help our sisters in Afghanistan. The first
steps to freedom have been taken, but there is so much more to
do. We must ensure that the future government of Afghanistan
includes women and respects the rights of all women.
Two years ago, Eve Ensler and V-Day's Executive Director Willa
Shalit traveled inside Afghanistan to meet Afghan women working
for change inside the country. Since that time V-Day has
partnered with RAWA - the Revolutionary Association for the
Women of Afghanistan. RAWA is still hard at work both inside
and outside Afghanistan, fighting for the rights and freedoms
of Afghan women. They still need our support. You can help
RAWA financially by making a donation at
Vv vV
4. Necessary Targets, a New Play by Eve, Premieres in Hartford
Good news! A new play by Eve Ensler - "Necessary Targets" - is
premiering at The Hartford Stage in Hartford, CT on November 28.
Better news: Mention "V-Day" when you call for tickets between
now and December 7th, and you'll receive the special V-Day price
of $20. (Opening night and Saturday nights are excluded.) You
can reach the box office at (860) 527-5151.
Even better news: Eve will be attending each performance between
November 23rd and November 29th. Most nights she will stay after
the show to speak with the audience.
Best news: "Necessary Targets" is the extraordinary story of
American and Bosnian women struggling together to understand
themselves and understand the impact of war on their lives. It's
based on interviews conducted by Eve with women who survived the
civil war in the former Yugoslavia. It is heartbreaking, funny,
and deeply moving. It is extraordinary and life changing.
(Editor's note: if it seems like I'm waxing on, it's because I've
seen readings of "Necessary Targets," so I know how good it is.
It's hard for me to believe that most of my friends who have seen
and loved "The Vagina Monologues" have not seen this play. And I'm
very happy that I'm now going to be able to drag them all to see
Vv vV
5. An Update on V-Day 2002
In 2002, V-Day is going grassroots and global. To date almost
600 V-Day performances of "The Vagina Monologues" are planned
at colleges and cities around the world. We'll be "reclaiming
cunt" in church basements and grand ballrooms, from Argentina
to Zaire.
V-Day is also engaging in several other campaigns, including
the International Stop Rape Contest, the Speak Up with V-Day
campaign to educate the US Congress, and the Rape Free Zone
Details on these and other efforts can be found at the V-Day
web site: http://www.vday.org.
Vv vV
6. Call for Visions
The vision of V-Day is not created by any one individual or
small group. We all create the vision of a world where girls
and women live free, safe, equal and with dignity. If you have
a vision you'd like to share through V-Mail, please send it to
us at editor@vday.org. Visions should be one or two paragraphs.
Please include your age, and the country and city where you live.
We'd like to share a vision from around the world in every issue.
September 11 Email: Date
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 11:00:32 EST
September 11 Email: Subject
Fwd: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on
“Fwd: Eve speaks on Thanksgiving . . pass it on,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 21, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/1027.