September 11 Digital Archive

[MAPC-policy] concerned resident


[MAPC-policy] concerned resident



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September 11 Email: Body

Dear Madison City Alders,

I have grown up in Madison and currently attend UW-Madison as an

I am writing to encourage you to adopt the new proposition, Humanitarian
Priorities in Afghanistan, that is before you next week.  Growing up here in
Madison, I never knew how special this place was until I was old enough to
travel and live outside of it for a while.  Madison is truly one of the most
collectively aware and active places I have ever been in my short life, and
I have very high hopes for the humanitarian values that we advocate as a
community.  The proposal before you is a very logical extension of the
compassion that people in this city express all the time, towards each other
and the rest of the world.  I really hope you will all adopt the proposition
so that our city can stand proudly by it's long time value of human rights.
The impending tragedy facing the Afghani people is something I cannot bear
to think about, let alone allow to happen in my name.  I hope this city can
stand together in affirming our vision for a just and peaceful world.

We are looking to you to make a difference. Thank you for your time, X

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September 11 Email: Date

Thursday, November 15, 2001 6:26 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

[MAPC-policy] concerned resident


“[MAPC-policy] concerned resident,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 3, 2024,