September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I reference everything in life into before or after September 11. Everything before that date seems more innocent and gentle, and everything since then seems dangerous and threatening. The whole world has changed into something I am still trying to understand and get used to.

I was at home on September 11, in the potting shed in my garden. It was 2:46 pm in Amsterdam when it happened. My partner came outside and said "you'd better come insode and turn on the TV. Something bad has happened at the World Trade Center". I thought he meant the Trade Center here in Amsterdam.

When I turned on the TV I saw the World Trade Center tower in flames. It looked like a disaster movie. My partner and I just sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the TV and holding hands.

We saw the second plane in the distance and I asked my partner if he thought it was a rescue plane. He said he didn't think so. Then it hit the other tower. I really don't remember my reaction, but I must have screamed. It was the most terrible thing I had ever seen in my life.

I called my family in America many times in the next hour. Thye don't live in NYC or Washington, but I was afraid the whole country was going to be under attack. The day just became more and more terrifying with every new update. Even though I was in europe, I couldnt have been more shocked if I was there.

When the buildings fell down I just curled up into a ball and my partner held me.

I don't know what more I can say about that day except that it took me many months to get over it. I was anxious and scared and panicky for a long time. I still think about it almost every day, and check the terrorist threat level every day. If I live to be 100 years old IO will never forget how terrible it was to see something like that happen.

May God stop anything like that from ever happening again.


“story11282.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 10, 2025,