September 11 Digital Archive

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Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Susannah Kelly lives in California now, but she grew up in Manhattan at Westbeth, the artists' community on West Street looking south. On a visit home a month after 9/11, she taped an audio journal with conversations with her mother, brother, and…

Artist Mary Crescenzo describes how the performance piece she created for the Day of the Dead turned into a memorial. The performance took place November 1 at the Pelham Art Center in Pelham, New York.

Paul Goldberger, architecture critic for The New Yorker magazine was interviewed on NPR's Fresh Air. He reflects on the damage done to the New York skyline, the critical remarks he had made about the WTC in the past, and rebuilding the future in its…

The recorded performance of Marc Wilson's prose poem. The piece is accompanied by guitarist Michael Schockey and is based on contents of office paper and other scraps found at Ground Zero.

Violinist Emily McHugh made this recording on St Patrick's Day 2000. She used to play her Irish fiddle at the PATH station under the WTC. She recorded herself warming up at 8am that morning.

Jim Gladman's Design 4
Jim Gladman tells his story of the summer of 2001. He was working on an illustration of the WTC for Big Magazine and he also attended Glenn Branca's "Hallucination City" premier at the WTC plaza. "I felt the WTC, New York, and Branca's music formed…

Jim Gladman and Jeff Cashdollar made this recording of the premier of Glenn Branca's "Hallucination City." It was one of the last performances to take place at the WTC complex. It featured 100 electric guitars and 20 electric basses and a drummer.…

Jonathan Siskin was evacuated from his apartment in Battery Park City on 9/11 and had to run into a restaurant to escape the dust. He saved the voicemails he received that day - friends calling from New York City, Connecticut, Illinois, Israel and…

Jeff Strubel worked as a tractor operator at Fresh Kills Landfill. After September 11, Jeff helped with the Recovery effort. He says that a lot of the guys who worked at the landfill, the firefighters, don't want to talk about what they…

Jeff Strubel worked as a tractor operator at Fresh Kills Landfill. After September 11, he spent some time at Ground Zero, helping with the clean-up. In this clip he describes all of the cars and other vehicles found at the site.

Jeff Strubel worked as a tractor operator at Fresh Kills Landfill. After September 11, Jeff helped with the Recovery effort. In this clip, he talks about how he and the other workers feel to be a part of this difficult process. Every guy has his…

Jeff Strubel worked as a tractor operator at Fresh Kills Landfill. After September 11, Jeff helped with the Recovery effort. He says the guys he worked with really supported eachother but they still find it to difficult to talk about. Jeff…

Josh's mother, Martha Rosler, left three messages on his answering machine over the course of September 11 and 12. She expresses her hopes that her son and daughter-in-law are safe. She wonders if giving blood would be the right gesture. A comicbook…
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