September 11 Digital Archive

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  • Collection: September 11 Digital Archive, User-Generated Art

Art on viewing ramp.JPG
This is a picture drawn on the viewing ramp at ground zero. It depicts an image of a police officer and a firefighter.

The Cross 9/11 Tangle of Terror art by Ray Tapajna asks who can now untangle the terror Globalism and Free Trade has bred. It asks in the name of all who bore their cross 9/11 and for all the families who lost loved ones

Banner displayed in the Pentagon Hallway

Oh God,No!.jpg
The title of my painting is " FOR GOD'S SAKE, NO!" It is the Statute of Liberty emerging in horror from within New York City, while the World Trade Center is being attacked by the terrorists.

Banner displayed in the Pentagon Hallway

Banner displayed in the Pentagon Hallway

This is a poem I have written for the events of 9/11, and also a painting that I have done on that day while the events were taken place.

This is a pencil drawing depicting one of the jumpers. I believe he was an employee of Windows On the World, on the 107th floor of the North Tower. Merely shading the columns took about eight hours, despite the redundancy, but I considered it…

Banner displayed in the Pentagon Hallway

Images taken at Flt 93 Crash Site August 11, 2002

September 11 2001 I was attending a watercolor class in Santa Barbara Adult Education. One week later I told my teacher all my paintings were turning out indigo blue and she advised me to go home and paint the picture that was in my mind. One…

I found this picture on the web I am unsure of the artist but know that it was front page of an Austrailian newspaper. I found the image of Liberty crying with the Towers as a backdrop heart pounding. God Bless America

In Loving Memory,oil on Wood Board 15 X 20.JPG
Forever in our hearts and memories, the twin towers of the World Trade Center will remain. A symbol of a free people to choose their own destiny. As an artist, my painting " In Loving Memory" is for paying respect and tribine to so many innocent…

This is like a channeling painting of that terrible day. Once finished, I realized that I had digitally rendered 09/11, one can see souls going to Heaven and being greeted by a friendly shape. Below the chaos and the flammes, in the middle, an…

I visited New York on Xmas holidays this year, and Ground Zero looks like a strange and noisy cemetery...
I got impressed by this drawing in the wall...
Peace and Love!!

crayon art.jpg
A crayon picture my 7 year old daughter, Molly did a few days after 9/11. The sad Statue of Liberty is saying, "God Bless America our home sweet home."

9-11 Collage 3.gif
Collage in memory of the heroes of 9-11. I collected various clippings, Americana, fabric from my WTC/Pentagon/PA memorial quilt square submission, and personal sketches within the last year. The collage was completed on the evening of Sept. 10,…

".....that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain...that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom...and that Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth."…

Gearing up.gif
Taleban, please hold, someone will be with you shortly!!

This is a picture i took of a model of manhattan that was on the inside observation level of tower 2
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