In 1998 James Burton and his wife Ann were married in the Valentine's Day Wedding Marathon on the roof deck of the WTC. There were "55 couples [110 people] to match the 110 stories of the building."
A few weeks after September 11, ten-year-old Autumn Rose Bragg recorded herself pretending to be a CNN anchor. Her father, Randy, thinks this may be her way of dealing with the tragedy.
Caroline Smigocki found herself crying as she watched the WTC on 9/11. She then experienced a beautiful, typical New York City moment, when a stranger on the street advised her to get it together.
Jason Muller of Chicago remembers riding the elevators up to Windows on the World. He recalls feeling deaf after stepping off the elevator--it seemed so silent with the air pressure change.
Karen Schneider describes her daily commute from New Jersey to the WTC, the din of the crowd, and how she once lost a button on her way and could hear it fall in spite of the noise.
Commuter Tish remembers the ding-ding of the PATH train--it doesn't sound the same now that it goes to 9th Street. She also misses the mall below the WTC because it was a fun meeting place.
Scott Friedman commutes to his job in NYC from Stamford, Connecticut. He calls from his car to describe the morning of September 11. He remembers the sound of his car and the traffic jam he sat in while watching the towers fall.
Rich Costa was general manager of the observation deck at 2 WTC from 1996 to 1999. He has video footage of a corporate breakfast above the cloud line on the 107th floor.
Californian Barbara Hill tells that Dey Street--one of the streets bordering the WTC site--was named after her ancestors. It should be pronounced Dee, in the Dutch way.
Marianne Engles came to Ground Zero after 9/11 with a San Diego disaster team. She found the sounds of the heavy equipment, the wrecking balls, very oppressive and vivid.
Atilla Akgun describes how he saw the sun set twice during a visit to the WTC. First, he watched it sink below the horizon from a lower floor, then he ran to the elevators and rode up to the top of the building to watch it set again.
Floridian Robin McCrae visited the WTC with her family in July 2001 and has videotape from their elevator ride. They were especially impressed with the Welcome to Our World sign at the top. She remembers everybody ooh-ing and ahh-ing.