September 11 Digital Archive

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  • Collection: September 11 Digital Archive Images

Flags 9-11-02.jpg
Flags at Liberty State Park on the one-year anniversary of the attacks.

united we stand.jpg
I created this in the aftermath of September 11th. I felt that the center picture of Flag Raising At Iwo Jima along with the text summed up what this country is all about, and though someone may attack us, they will not break us apart. Our…

I built this image in Adobe Photoshop for a digital presentation about September 11 created by myself and
Gautch for an art exhibition at Fort 105 in Albuquerque.

Photo taken by friends of mine a year prior to Sept 11. This picture was later donated to The Royal Canadian Legion Br#3 in Deer Lake, NL. CA. I took a digital shot of the picture and enhanced it into a fitting closure to a terrible tragedy. I was…

a terible blow

Ich möchte nur mein Tribute zeigen. Dieses Bild zeigt das zerstörte World Trade Center. Dieses Bild ist für die Opfer und Helden des 11 Septembers. All die Menschen die es nicht geschafft haben und die jenigen die durch ihre Tapferkeit versucht haben…

A Tribute to the Heros of 9/11

While a dust-covered rescue worker stands by, emergency workers attend to a man in the back of an ambulence, on September 11, 2001.

Dust radiates in all directions as the remaining tower falls, seen from Greenwich Village.

Doctors and hospital workers at St. Vincent's Hospital care for a man arriving on a stretcher from the WTC attack.

"1199ers at St. Vincent's Hospital in Manhattan were among the first teams of healthcare workers to care for the injured on Sept. 11." 1199 SEIU News, October, 2001, cover photo.

"Transporter Cheryl Farrell (second from left with stretcher) and CNA Audrey Vaughn (third from left with stretcher) rush WTC victim into St. Vincent's emergency room. "When I saw what happened I was devastated," says Farrell. "I started getting…

"Doctors at St. Vincent's look on as WTC collapses." 1199 SEIU News, October, 2001, page 7

The first, south tower collapses in a cloud of smoke, seen from Greenwich village in Manhattan.

As the towers disapear under a cloud of dust, an ambulance races south towards the attack site.

Hospital workers accompany a woman on a stretcher outside St. Vincent Hospital's emergency room on September 11, 2001.

Shock and exhaustion on his face, a policemen is wheeled from an ambulance on September 11, 2001.

"Victims began to arive at St. Vincent's just minutes after the attack." 1199 SEIU News, October, 2001, page 6

The fireball of the second plane's impact, seen through the trees and buildings of a New York City neighborhood.

Chairs ready to receive the injured on the sidewalk next to St. Vincent's Hospital on September 11, 2001.
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